
Can sharks go north into Germany?

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My germany class just watched a video and wants me to do some research to see why it isnt possible for sharks to go into germany or any farther north




  1. Yes they can and they do. There are roughly

    20 different shark types populating that part

    of the atlantic. Mostly smaller ones that pose

    no thread to humans. At least I'm not aware of

    any deadly attacks. But with warming waters

    and a stable food source in the form of seals

    there's no reason for the bigger species to stay

    away from there during the summer season.

    In 03 the british coast guard reported sightings

    of at least one great white in british waters.

  2. Yes, there are sharks in Germany. In the North Sea e.g. live the small catsharks. It´s not possible for them to get IN germany, because they need salted water, while the rivers (oh, surprise :D) are filled with fresh water.

    Well, i know some zoos, which have sharks...and there is a icehockey club, that is called sharks...:D

  3. Sharks can be not in north side from Germany. This call Nordsee, or Eastsee.

    The water is to cold for them, sharks love warm water, like in the areas Gulf Coast.

  4. If what you say is true,  your class has already answered your question by telling you it isn't possible for sharks to go into Germany.

  5. Since Germany is still above sea level no shark can really get into the country. But off the coast you can find several types of sharks. In the North Sea (and in the Arctic Ocean as well) there are also some bigger sharks, e.g. the Greenland Shark:

  6. HI, its definitely possible for sharks to come into the North Sea.

    It's very unlikely for them to find their way through to the Baltic Sea, though.

    There are hundreds of different types of sharks, and some of the smaller ones that don't become bigger tham maybe 50cm to 1m live in the Atlantic and in the North Sea.

  7. Germany? Very unlikely. Not just because of how far north they are, but because they would have to travel well into the North Sea. I am sure that Sharks have been into waters off Germany before, but the odds of you even running into one or more remote then you can possibly imagine.

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