
Can somebody answer this?

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Why is it that when you videotape a television, or computer it looks like there's lines going up and down the screen, when it does not seem like this infront of you?

I hope that you understand what I'm refering to!




  1. Tv or monitor's screen shows 30 frames in a second .So when you auto shoot by video part of the TV seems black.To get full frame at a time reduce the Shutter speed and you will be able to capture full frame.If your camera has has no shutter control,use low light mode or night mode and shutter speed will reduces .(use tripod in this case)

  2. If you read the article at the link you'll see that most of the time you don't have a complete picture on your TV screen.  If you then video it by taking a series of snapshots there are always going to be dark lines where the screen hasn't been "painted".

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