
Can somebody help me!!!?

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On your own opinion what do you mean " Its Difficult to be Human even more difficult to be Humane"?




  1. Please describe your question.  I am not able to get your question

  2. You should ask this in the Philosophy section.

  3. as u know, human is not always either good or bad (in behavior, characteristic, etc.). humane means inflicting the minimum of pain, of course, others' pain. others here means not only for human, but in larger scope, e.g. animals, plants, worlds. so, it is harder to be humane (help others like the way you want to be helped) than to be human.

  4. It it easier to be human,to live your life like u want and be you

    To be humane is more difficult because if you want to help someone,then you'll do that what you think is the best,but maybe this isn't the best for the person..

  5. in my opinion, i think it means that 'it's difficult to be a human', by it's hard to be perfect and to be good at everything. Ans by 'even more to be humane', i think it's more something like if you do something for somone you don't want it to happen to you.

    For example, if there were a picture of someone about to be shot.

    Would you rather be the one about to be shot?

    Or the one about to do the shooting?

  6. someone wanted to make a beautiful phrase but neglected sense...


    i can imagine the proud look this person had declaring that "this simple sentence is full of deep meaning"



  8. yes. Human you have to have mortal and value for yourself and others. Humane is kind like you want to do something because it is required of you or because you see someone else doing it.

  9. just be you and no one else

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