
Can someone ask Hillary?

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How many womans did Bill Clinton had an affair with, and how many did he tried to rape? I remember lots of woman came out and accused him of rape and all.. Someone should ask Hillary that question!!!




  1. It is hard to say, since Bill Clinton has always had good media cover ups for him and Hillary.  but he is guilty as sin.

    Hillary attacked the reputation of all Bill's women, and took up for Bill, even though she KNOWS he is GUILTY.   If Hillary was REALLY concerned and wanted to help  women, why did she attack  all the  women that Bill attacked.

    There are a whole lot of articles about Bill Clinton raped, research them.

    Source(s) Bill Clinton's long history of sexual assaultJuanita isn't the only one: Bill Clinton's long history of sexual violence against women .... the young English woman who said Clinton raped her in 1969. ... - 27k -

    WorldNetDaily: Broaddrick details alleged rape by ClintonA woman who

    claims Bill Clinton raped her in 1978 has repeated her accusation on national television, as Hillary Clinton launched her long-awaited book that ... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

    WorldNetDaily: Clinton's s*x-assault accusers to tour Bill's libraryClinton raped her during a conference in Little Rock in 1978, ... other women have also reported similar treatment at the hands of Bill and Hillary Clinton. ... - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

    AN OPEN LETTER TO HILLARY CLINTON BY JUANITA BROADDRICKPOLL: Did Bill Clinton rape Juanita Broaddrick in 1978? Rape-Yes : 1175 Rape-No : 625 Rape-Undecided: 121 ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

    HILLARY CLINTON THREATENED JUANITA BROADDRICK 2 WEEKS AFTER BILL ...Clinton has ever come to answering allegations... he raped an Arkansas woman in 1978 ..... the danger of the unrelenting smallness of bill + hillary clinton ... - 115k - Cached - Similar pages Special Report: Clinton Accused... her contention that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her because "I just ... Pressed by Myers as to whether she was raped, Broaddrick said she had been. ... - Similar pages

    The Truth Seeker - Bloody Bill Clinton - American CaligulaShe is not the only woman who has accused Clinton of rape. ... 25) Bill Shelton was Kathy’s boyfriend and an Arkansas police officer. ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

    *Bill Clinton on The Trail: "I Can't Make Her Younger"Bill Clinton on the campaign trail, from NBC's Today Show, January 7, 2008. ... because people like you DON"T CARE if women get raped by this scum ball. ... - 125k - Cached - Similar pages

    ABC Memo Details Clinton Rape CoverupA civil war is brewing in the news room of ABC's World News Tonight over allegations that in 1979 Bill Clinton may have raped Juanita Broaddrick, ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

  2. i actually think she doesnt care if he has affairs. it seems their marriage is an arrangement instead of  holy union. they are both evil and trouble makers. i used the words trouble makers because they are acting like foolish kids.

  3. you guys really need to move's beginning to look really pathetic. I say kudos to hillary for being able to work out their problems and still stay together

  4. When she win?

    Does all the weakling Amazon men have to wear mini skirt?

    What do you think?

  5. You want to create an issue when it is already past and buried.

  6. Bill did not rape anyone.  If he did he would have been convicted of those crimes.  All those things you have said are lies that have been released to ruin his reputation.  And also an attempt to lower his ranking as one of the best presidents in U.S. history.

    All accusations no trials.  Hearsay

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