
Can someone explain my dream?

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Its been bugging me for a while. I had a dream that my friend and I were talking thru webcam (like we always do) and then suddenly I was with him and he was so pale (he works in the sun all day its almost impossible for him to be pale) and touched by face slighty and then we were on webcam talking again and then I was back infront of him, And suddenly I was running in a grassy area (I dont know where i was exactly, I only saw the ground) And someone was infront of me, pulling me foward. I cant figure it out, Please only serious answers. Its been bugging me for a really long time.




  1. First of all, talking through webcam was actual experience in day time and that may trigger the dream at night.

    However, he being pal may suggest that you are feeling the relationship or friendship being fade away. You may be feeling some disconnection lately.    

    Running in a grassy area and being pulled forward suggest that you are losing control and things you may not feel lack of the power of making your own decision.

    Putting together, it may mean there is some miscommunication among  you and that may be related to some decision making you have in life.  

    Examine your life and you will know exactly what it indicates.

  2. I'll give you a personal interpretation - it's meaningless.

    Dreams are just the accumulation of thoughts you've had that day being stored in your brain.

  3. well for me as i see in your dream...that one day that your friend ask for your help....and you can never please him...dont avoid him just help your friend  in anything you can do to help him just to continue your friendship help him ....i see it clearly.

  4. Grass

    To see green grass in your dream, suggests that there is a part of yourself that you can always rely on.  The dream is also symbolic of natural protection.

    To dream that you are running alone, signifies that you will advance to a higher position and surpass your friends in the race for wealth. Alternatively, you may be running from some situation or from temptation

    Look and think of things in your life right now that involve your being pulled--- running toward something or away from....more thank likely the dream itself has nothing to do withyou and the guy's relationship, but all about you..

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