
Can someone give me advice..?

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Hello, I am going to high school this year and am very nervous. Can someone tell me how it's like in high school. Answers are much appreciated. Thank You.




  1. i dont think you can ever prepare yourself for high school... and you'll probably hear a bunch of different opinions of what high school is like.

    the most important thing to remember is to always be yourself and surround yourself with good, caring people.

    studying is also very, very important, of course. as tempting as it is to slack off, you'll regret it once you reach senior year and you have nothing to show for your years of studying and cramming.

    also! don't be nervous! there are probably going to be at least a hundred or more people who are feeling just as nervous as you.

    ultimately, high school will probably be the best four years of your life. it might not seem like it at the time you're going through it, but just keep your head up and enjoy every moment of it and you'll be great.

    hope everything works out for the best :)

  2. It's just 10x better than primary school.

    I got lost once though, the building will probably be bigger...

    But when you get used to it, you will think 'how did I manage to get lost in this place?'

    That's just how it always goes.

    People will treat you more grown-up. It's just a relief you're out of primary school.

    It makes you feed mature.

    And I also like having lessons in different buildings etc.

    Have fun, don't be nervous (even though everyone is nervous..)

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