
Can someone help IBS?

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my husband has ibs and just wonders how other people handle it




  1. yoga will help him ,

  2. There is no cure, but to help control the symptoms he could try excersising more, and eating less fatty food, caffine, and less dairy products.  

  3. Stay away from foods that upset your stomach, and the doctor can perscribe medication for it.

  4. well having had IBS for most of my life, I can tell you that a high fiber diet with two liters of water a day and yogurt three times a day has gone a great deal of the way to controlling mine.  I also have a prescription for a medication called Bentyl which I use on an as needed basis when my bowel goes into spasm.  He should avoid high fat foods and get daily physical exercise also.

  5. Hi. I've had IBS for about 25 years. I handle it by knowing what my triggers are. Certain foods will set it off ( unfortunately the foods i really like ), stress is also a big factor for me, i need to get a good nights sleep also. Your husband needs to keep track of when he gets an attack. What foods did he eat before it happened, was he upset about something, or anything else out of ordinary. Sometimes it will just happen for no reason, but not to often. Remember, diet and stress levels are the most important. Unfortunately there is no cure for IBS, you just have to learn what you can do to keep it under control as best you can. Best of luck to your husband, and you :-)

  6. I was diagnosed with IBS 4 years ago and have a food tolerence to wheat that causes my problems i ve never suffered from consipation i have the other one diahorrea and it s horrible but i take peppermint tea 3 times a day with meals helps with the spasms and lomitol to stop the diahorrea when i need it you just have to watch your food s that trigger it mine is Gravy and all red meat s and ice cream sometimes .It s amazing how one week i can eat as normal as possible with no effect yet the next week eat the same and have terrible problems .We just have to go with the flow unfortunatly

  7. has your husband got any acid reflux tablets,

    if he is in pain , the best thing that i can suggest is peppermint oil,

    you, can buy some from the chemist, it  relaxes the large intestine,

    and also  helps you, when you, pass motion.

    instead  of strainning,

    that is probably what he has done,

    there is no cure for ibs i'm affraid. i wish there was ,

      also , check what he is eating  certain foods can trigger it off.

      make sure , that he eats plenty of fruit, no citrus, that is tha cause

    of the problem,  low fat high fibre foods , no, beef,

    or anything  rich , spicy, fatty fried  food.

      try , that, and i bet you he wil feel alot better .

    that is the diet  i am on.

    good lck , hope he feels better soon .


  8. I am gluten intolerant and it was diagnosed for years as IBS. Try and get him tested for gluten, wheat and dairy intolerance it could be one of those and he would feel a lot better once his diet was sorted out if it proved to be an intolerance. See his doctor and dont take no for an answer.

  9. IBS symptoms and treatments vary with the individual. Foods which set off IBS in one person cause no problems in another. As a general matter, avoid alcohol and spicy foods. Also, cut down on fatty foods.
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