
Can someone outline for me...?

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...all the steps/processes involved in publishing a book?

Starting with writing the book, what comes next?

And after that?




  1. I don't have the time to write an outline here (I really should keep one saved on my computer--mine are quite detailed).

    However, I can tell you to type "Publish a book" in the search bar.  This question has been asked and answered many many many times.  Sift through those answers-some of them are quite detailed and many of them are very informative.

  2. I'm sure there are a lot of online sources that can give you a more accurate answer, but here's my take on it:

    Edit, edit and edit, again.

    If your story is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, no publisher will even give it a second glance.

    If you're serious about getting it published, you might consider hiring a professional editor to do this for you.

    Also check to see if your story flows and makes sense.  In other words make sure that the bedroom doesn't flit from the second floor to the first from scene to scene.

    Manuscripts should be in the Courier font.  Publishers prefer this font over any other.

    Get an agent.  Of course, you can try to submit your manuscripts yourself, but an agent has the expertise and experience.

    You can also try self publishing, although this will cost you money.  If you are prepared for it, then you can check out the many self publishing sites on the web.

    Good luck!

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