
Can someone please explain me why....?

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I'm smarter than 3/4 of Americans. Well, technically, sophomores who have taken the PSAT.

Unbelievable, my scores shows that I did 74% better than other sophomores, yet I didn't study at all. I'm so amazed, English is my 4th language and I just don't understand how I pulled that off lol.

Also on the math section, I did 86% better than all other sophomores.....

Okay I'm speechless now....




  1. Being multi-lingual is actually linked to higher intelligence. But to be honest, Americans arent very smart at all. Public education lacks a curriculum that teaches students to think outside of the box. 1/2 of what students are expected to do is memorize and recite facts, which doesnt develop critical thinking skills. It is quite sad.

    Congratulations though!

  2. Mathematics is not given in English, the symbols are universal numbers...

    If you're so great now, what will you do tomorrow?

    Anyway, what makes you think that Americans are smart?

  3. You may still end up working for the guy in the bottom 10th percentile.

  4. Bravo!  what an ego yourself!     best thing for you be humble!   Who care!!!

  5. you want and need some cheers from total strangers...this is so not smart at all.....

  6. A nice little self admiration session without any point whatsoever.  But the proof is in the pudding.  What does it matter how intelligent you are if you never use it for anything?

  7. The kinda smart you're going to need in the rest of your life is the kind that would tell you to actually study for a test so you can do your best on it.

    Trust me on this one, that's the smart that matters.

  8. Yes, it is a shock to find out how stupid others really are. Although these tests just test memory. It doesn't take comprehensive understanding to answer correctly on a multiple choice test. If you really are very intelligent, watch out for depression as well as bitterness and resentment towards others especially when you go to college. You may find yourself literally disgusted with how stupid your peers are.

  9. It's quite possible you enjoy taking tests. Other people may become stressed and not do as well.

    If you understand the test make up and what the questions are really asking, you'll do well. Some people read to much into the question.

    You may be a good guesser. That is, when you are stuck between two possible answers you'll tend to pick the right one.

    The PSAT isn't something you can "study" for. It tests the knowledge you've picked up over time.

    Now a question, do your school grades reflect these scores?

  10. oh im very speechless to and i will tell u why

    as a sophmore in high school as well PSAT is a mandatory thing and we as students HAVE to take it.

    we have to wake up early and take a test asking us the gayest questions and frankly most of us dont give a sh** to do our best because its not the real deal. however i see that u actually tried while the others 86% of us decided that it was a nice 2 hours of lost sleep. this is why its not cause ur smart so dotn get ur hopes up...

  11. Next time, you need to raise your standards.  I bet you can beat 95 % if you worked at it.  Go get those other 26 per cent.

  12. what is the question?

  13. You are naturally smart and have a high IQ.  That's pretty much it.

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