
Can someone tell me why..?

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guys today seem to think 21 is old? im 21 and i don't feel old, i prefer it over being 18 anyday.

all my freinds act like they are in there 70s and are gonna die anyday or something




  1. looking back over the last 40 plus years I'd say enjoy your current age whatever it may be you'll still feel great in 20 years time

  2. I'm 21 too.

    and I think I'm, very young!

  3. Dude, 21 is not old at all. Enjoy it whilst you can. I'm 27 and still happily the same as I was then, just a little wiser.

    21 was one of my favourite years.

  4. Who are these people who think 21 is old? How are they gonna feel when they actually ARE old? I'm 38 and still feel the same as i did when 21 just a bit wiser & less conscientious.

  5. HA HAHA

    Whats with the young generation, is it an ego problem, or are they growing up too quickly for their own good.

    no, i  think 21 is too young for a person to die, unless they end up on the wrong side of reality and do things and regret

  6. 21 isn't old.  Too bad your friends can't handle it.  Enjoy your life ... and maybe some new friends.

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