
Can squid be eaten raw?

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I've just had a go at making sushi, and so far it's gone very well, but I've got some raw squid to use, and I have no idea whether I should be cooking it first or not?

Are there any sushi experts out there who can help please?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Yeah it can, but I don't know if I would trust it prepared by myself. Sushi restaurants have high quality fish that is shipped like daily, so I would just batter those suckers and deep fry 'em.

    Calamari is much better than raw squid anyway.

  2. Squid sashimi prep instructions.

  3. Pretty much anything can be eaten raw.  Just depends on whether it's actually edible or not.

  4. Yes, suggest you slice it really thin and use lemon juice to finish it off

  5. Anything can be eaten raw but it depends on whether it's actually edible or not , whether you can digest it or not.

  6. Yes it can be eaten raw. I catch squid in Puget sound and like it raw, blanched, deep fried in a lite batter, but my favorite is to slice it very thin then put it into fresh squeezed lime juice overnight raw. ( Squid Ceviche )  If you can get those little Mexican limes or Key lime, they are best to use.

  7. ew nasty I wouldnt eat it cooked.

  8. If you are here is USA ,most squids are  frozen ,I would cook it first before I use for making sushi. I have eaten (kinilaw) fresh raw squid marinated in vinegar with spices and it is so good in the Philippines. Here in the State we boiled the squid to make"" kinilaw "" or sushi to avoid samonella.  I hope this help.

  9. Yes, you can eat it raw, as long as you wash it well.  Just cut the 'hood'in 2 halves, back and front (when it lies flat on dish), then cut very thin strips across each halve.

  10. no.

  11. Squid (ika) sashimi is very good, but it needs to be fresh, preferably live.

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