
Can stress cause oily skin?

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I generally don't have oily skin but it seems ever since I've been back in school I've had that shine. The oil produces right after I rinse my face in the morning and sits on there all day causing breakouts :(

Is it stress? Or possibly getting up at the early hour? I have no clue!

Thanks in advance




  1. nope.

    your sebaceous gland has really nothing to do with your stress levels.

    it's just hormones.

    if it's causing acne, you may want to see a dermatologist.

    my skin is also oily, and i started using bactrim and it dried me right up and i completely stopped having acne.

    then about 2 weeks and a day later i found out i was allergic.

    so now i'm trying accutane.

    the bacteria that causes acne feeds off the sebum on/in your skin.

    edit: and the girl who answered first is an idiot. she has no clue what she's talking about. i eat natural/organic foods and i've had oily skin ever since i started puberty.

    it has nothing to do with what you eat or how many times you wash your face. if oily skin is in your genes, there's no way around it.

  2. The main reason for oily skin is the food you eat.  If you're eating a lot of butter/margarine, cheese, burgers, chips, fries, or generally any type of oily or greasy foods it will affect your face almost immediately.  Think about how your diet may have changed recently and what you might be able to cut out.  It can also be caused by a change in soap or makeup.

    Another time a lot of people have a problem is after they exfoliate.  Sometimes there is an additional production of facial oils for several days afterwords

    I'd suggest using an astringent of some kind on a cotton pad first thing in the morning and carrying a pack of facial wipes to use during the day.  

  3. Sometimes the body does funny things when it gets off track to a normal schedual. I would say get some cleasner that makes the skin oil free. I used to have oily skin but after i started using proactiv it COMPLETLEY wen't away! Now I only have it on my nose, I think either the proactiv worked or I just grew out of that stage of puberty. If you think stress is the cause you can use a skin product that is made directly for stress

    heres some info I found

    xoxo-the luv guru

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