
Can tarot cards predict dates?

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Do certain cards correspond with certain dates/days/months? Thanks




  1. Yes. I personally haven't had much luck with the systems available or that I've read about, but I do know of a few readers who have. I personally use it more for growth and guidance. If I'm looking for some type of time frame, I ask what needs to happen 1st and/or, what will happen 1st.

    Many readers develop their own system or use one based in Astrology. The link below has one.

  2. There are many different timing systems that apply to tarot.

    Each suit has a season associated to it, they also have a cardinal time (midnight-morning-noon-evening)

    The Majors all have astrological associations which correspond to the months of the zodiac.

    There are systems that break down each card of the Minors that place a planet in a sign. This is not the 'timing' that is measured by clocks or calendars, but by the planetary placements.

    Again, there are many different systems and thoughts on how timing can be found in the cards. I have much the same experience as a poster above me, not much luck with using any of these systems. I have better luck with the intuitive feelings I get from a reading as a whole. Meaning, that in one reading I may see a card and it will express to me 2 weeks. In another reading it may suggest 2 months.

  3. At the end of the day tarot is a pack of playing cards - they were created for playing card games which are still played across continental Europe. Divination with tarot is no different to divination with regular playing cards, dice, knuckle bones, or tea leaves. And, to borrow from Mr Adams, the tarot no more knows your destiny than a tea leaf knows the history of the East India Company.

    If divination is possible, then the cards, like tea leaves, or knuckle bones, can only serve as a focus for a psychic. Of course, psychics, like the cards, don't really provide dates either - allowing a little more wriggle room for interpreting the prediction according to what later happens, whenever it happens.

    Divination has not been supported by science, nor has the possibility of future knowledge been supported by logic, so for myself, I cannot accept the notion. You must decide for yourself but no, there are no nice testable dates given to help you do so.

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