
Can they enforce religion?

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I work at a hospital that says that it uses scientology based teachings in order to monitor their productivity and sales. They make all of their future employees sign an "attest" saying we understand they use scientology and they will not make us use the practices of scientology. Upon employment they make everyone do things exactly out of the scientology books, and policies. If we fail to do certain tasks, they will find a way to make us do it, or we get fired. They have had the labor board on them once before but the Head Administrator who incorporates the scientology based practices hides everything before the labor board can do a search. There are things from Scientology works, to posters, but they aren't within plain site they are behind closed doors in a course room. Is this legal?




  1. Thats pretty creepy, but you have to be a researcher of occult masonic orders and secret societies to understand their power structures and how it relates to religion and scientology, the medical field has it's occult symbolism going back to ancient sumaria, the symbol of the two snakes in medicine ?

    you may win a few battles on principles at your hospital, but if your job is important to you, be careful.... thier philosophy may be deeply ingrained and they may deem you replaceable.

  2. as long as the hospital is privately funded, it's perfectly legal.

  3. If it is a private facility which does not rely on government funding and does not have contracts with insurance companies that require equality and/or neutrality in regards to religion, it may be legal for them to do so.

    It seems unethical.  You may want to work elsewhere.

    Use Yahoo search for Germany and Scientology for an interesting perspective.

  4. Private hospital, maybe.  

  5. Forcing a person to use a religion to be used at

    you place of employment is illegal.

    The person that answered earlier saying it is

    a private funded hospital.....well I say that is STILL ILLEGAL.

    You might want to contact your local

    state "Unemployment Department Office" on this matter.

    If the hospital goes to the trouble of hiding everything from

    the Labor Board before they show up.

    This again sounds illegal, also sounds like that hospital administrator

    has a "spy" in the labor board office that tells them when the labor

    board will show up so they can hide the stuff from the state investigators.

    You might want to see if you can get a local news crew to do an

    undercover investigation on this hospital to do some

    kind of "60 MINUTES" investigation on this hospital.

    In fact maybe you can get "60 MINUTES" or "DATELINE-NBC"

    to do an undercover story on them.

    Also, you might want to contact your local law enforcement about

    this in the fraud department or the FBI about doing an

    investigation on this hospital.

    If they are going to the trouble of hiding stuff from state regulators

    when they show up. Again, sounds like the state agency has

    a "spy" that warns the hospital administrator about when they

    will show up so they won't get caught.

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