
Can this get me drunk?

by  |  earlier

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I have got a bottle of wine,the alc content says 11,5%,is this strong enough to get me drunk?




  1. yes it can so be careful

  2. Yep!

  3. Yes. Any percentage alcohol in a drink can get you drunk if you drink enough. 11.5% is quite a lot. Cider is about 5% and beer is about 4% but they can both get you drunk. If you drink the whole bottle of wine, you'll be well over the drink drive limit and really pretty squiffy.

  4. drink the whole bottle with a straw!!!! then come back and ask us how to get un drunk!! lol

  5. That would get me drunk. Easily.

  6. well of course, but its more fun if you share it

  7. If you drink the whole bottle, yes!

  8. depends on how much you normaly drink

    but it should do it .

  9. More than likely depending on your tolerance.....

    Dont drink and Drive!!!!!

  10. Drinking the whole bottle will.

  11. You will have to drink alot of it.

  12. Very much so!

  13. Well it depends on age, weight, height, gender, how fast you drink it, how much you've eaten before drinking, and how much of an experienced drinker you are.

    If this is your first bottle of wine, you haven't eaten all day, you finish it in under an hour, and you weigh 120 or less, and are less than 5'5 then Yes you will get drunk.

    Someone like me however, no I wouldn't.

  14. it depends how much you drink out of the bottle

    and how much you usually drink
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