
Can two storm systems collide??!?

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Like a hurricane colliding with another hurricane or storm?




  1. Sure!Its probably happened a lot.When two thunderstorms or hurricanes collide,its terrific and very dangerous.All the rain may come down at once(i dont know what that's called),but that's fatal.I hope it never happens in near future.

  2. I don't know about hurricanes because I live up north but on the front between the polar air and temperate air, lows are moving and deepening. It is not unusual then to see a second one being born west of the first one, on the same frontal line. That secondary low often moves faster than the first one and ends up merging with it, creating a very deep low pressure.

    This is what happened in 1979 when a storm of hurricane force (Beaufort force 12) sank and killed sailors as they were racing the Fasnet Race in south England. It happened in August and it was not foreseen by the British weather forecast. The problem with those secondary lows is that they move much faster than the usual ones that move at an average of 20 to 25 knots of speed.

    The question still is: Are those two 'storm systems' as your question implies, or just two lows of the same system? It is probably a question of definition.

  3. oh h**l yea, happens alot in the asian coast, but it has been known to happen plenty in the US too, Katrina was two storms enveloped., the Movie the perfect storm shows you when, a hurricane, joins a eastern storm front, with a northern canadian cold front. but the two could just as easy cancel each other out too, like we see with many hurricanes during the year, when two are trying to suck up atmopsheric air and they starve each other out.

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