
Can vegans eat french fries?

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i am a new vegan, and thought i could eat french fries, but recently i was told that you're not supposed to.

whats in them that vegans cant eat?

by the way, im talking about fast food french fries, like mcdonalds




  1. watch out for fries with beef fat and make sure you eat them with ketchup!

  2. i worked at a mcdonalds and solved this mystery myself before... the ingredient in the shortening that caused this panic used for the fries and ONLY the fries. Is called beef tallow... i have no idea what beef tallow is but i saw it on the ingredients myself

  3. I know 100% that Mcdonalds use beef extarct in the cooking of their fries look at the link.

  4. sure

    try them home cooked in olive oil

  5. you need to watch the movie"SuperSize Me"....The guy ate nothing but fast food for 30 days and it almost killed him....

    He kept different fast food items on a table in individual glass containers...because of the preservatives, etc. many items were still (?) OK weeks the French fries...

    make them at home, it is safer...

  6. French fries that you make yourself are fine as long as you don't cook them in animal fat...which is what most restaurants do.

  7. youcane eat french fris, but not fast food ones because some contain beef fat, or are fried with the chicken nuggets

  8. McDonald's french fries have beef in them.  There is nothing vegan or vegetarian there unless you want to eat apple dippers minus the dip.  Even the yogurt has gelatin.  JUST SAY NO!

  9. McDonalds French fries are not vegan.  They are dipped in a "natural beef flavor".  I think they have had to make changes over the years in other countries, but this is the way they are prepared in the USA.

    You also have to be careful because they do not fry the potatoes separate from other fried foods.

    There are some places where you can ask to be sure, but, unfortunately, for the most part they just throw it all into one place.

  10. there are lots of rumors (probably true) that fast food french fries are cooked in the same oil as meat if things get rushed, even though they claim not to do this.  I also remember a few years ago that it turned out the was milk powder in the french fry coating at mcdonalds.  All in all, you probably won't be eating chunks of lard or anything, but don't think that your fries were cooked in a dedicated meat-free fryer.

  11. Not only are the other posters correct in stating that sometimes meat does get cooked in the french fry oil, but McDonalds, like many other restraunts (Cracker Barrel seasons their vegetables this way), uses meat based flavoring on the fries, and milk is used as well. Mmm, animal by-products. For more information, check out the official site.

  12. McDonald's fries have a beef product in their coating. That's why they taste so good!

    Not sure about other places.

    Go to the individual fast food restaurant websites, and research the ingredients of each item.

  13. I have heard that Wendys french fries are okay, but that might just be a myth.

    Best to ask before you order.

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