
Can virgo and gemini get married?

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im a female virgo and my b/f its male gemini.

we get along very well when communicating and feel we are compatible also in our intimacy. the only problem in our relationship its that im too critical and assume everything and he hates it. he does not take some issues seriously and I hate that. so we tend to argue sometimes but then get back on track and love each other even more. we both had unstable relationships before, but we both feel we are soul mates and we want to marry each other. we known each other as friends for 10 years and dated each other for 2 years within those 10 years.

can this gemini and virgo relationship actually work?




  1. You can't decide if you should marry someone based on your signs. As long as you love him then what does it matter what sign he is and what sign you are.  

  2. People seem to dismiss what the following saying truly means: "All is fair in love and war." Today it is only used in scenes of Hollywood nonsense, when all the troubles of the world surround him/her, and the villain states this before destroying something or another. What this means is that in war, there are no cheap shots, and nothing is below the belt. It also means that in love, there are NO RESTRICTIONS. Love, when it is a real thing, doesn't care about what month you were born in. It cares in and of itself. So **** the stars.

  3. Anyone can get married dont try to set your life on astrology dear.  

  4. I'm virgo and my husband is gemini. We have 3 kids and have been married 15 years. We are best friends. I tease him about some of his interests, but we rarely argue. I can't wait too see him at the end of the day.

  5. What do your signs have to do with getting married?

  6. Don't rely on a newspaper article that a lady made up for a little extra dough. Believe me, she can't "read the stars". It's just for entertainment, not something to plan ur life around. If you 2 really love each other and want to spend the rest of ur lives together, then I say go for it. Follow your heart not the stars.  :)

  7. well if you have lasted 10 years friendship or relationship...sounds like it has been working wonderfully! Follow your heart and good common sense! Iam a gemini and you cant ever go wrong with a gemini!!! we have two personalities so we are flexible!!! lol Enjoy your lives together!!!!

  8. Only in California so I hear. . .  

  9. Virgo + Gemini

    Earth + Air = Dust

    It’s a funny thing, but even though both of you are ruled by the same planet, Mercury, there are still some very basic but important differences between your star signs. You’ll both sense that you are similar in many ways, but Gemini is not quite as driven by a love of detail and perfection as you.

    Gemini has a broad view of things, and finds it hard to get down to the nuts and bolts. They skim the surface, and don’t dive into the detail the way you do. Maybe someone has to change! Perhaps Gemini has to increase their mental focus, or you have to speed up your metabolism and not expect as much deep discussion.

    You tend to satisfy the domestic and family needs of Gemini. You give them a safe haven from which to jump into their many activities. You will make them feel anchored, and that they have security and financial stability. Their dual personality means they lack this in themselves, and need to look to someone else to provide it.

    There are some other positives connecting you two. Gemini loves light-hearted discussion and humour. They will make you laugh, but only if you let down your guard. You are often a bit too serious, and Gemini will help you break this pattern. If they can do this gently, without offence, you’ll learn to relax and enjoy life more.

    In the bedroom, you tend to be conservative — sombre Saturn rules your sexual affairs. Gemini, ruled by Venus, is more sensual and playful. This is probably not going to go down in history as the greatest sexual match, but give it a go. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Geminis born between 22 May and 1 June are well suited to you as romantic companions. They’ll give you incredibly stimulating conversation and lots of humour. You may also work well with them.

    Geminis born between 2 June and 12 June are co-ruled by Venus and Libra: your relationship with them has a material foundation, really. Although money seems to be the name of the game for the two of you, there will also be moments of pleasure in this combination.

    Connecting with a Gemini born between 13 June and 21 June means dealing with the complex challenges that Aquarius, their co-ruler, promises. If you’re prepared to hang in there, this combination will bring you fulfilment, but be prepared for some surprises — good and not so good.


  10. Why couldn't it? True love isn't defined by astrology. Do you love each other enough to make it work? It takes more than astrology and love to make a relationship work: its called communication, commitment and compromise. If you can live by those 3 c's and have it reciprocated, any relationship can work. But, sometimes ppl down play the value of each.  

  11. I'm going to cut to the chase and say this question isn't really about astrolgy.  It sounds to me like you are looking for a a fail-safe answer on whether your relationship will last or not.  Only you both can answer that.  Perhaps a better indicator than astrolgy of whether you two will work in the long haul is if you can sit down and have a heart to heart conversation with him about your fears and your hopes in the marriage.  If you can, and he listens to you, and you feel supported and nurtured, and perhaps he shares his fears and hopes too, then you're well on your way, no matter what sign anyone is.  

  12. Anyone can get married if you read into that mumbo jumbo only certain signs are compatible stuff you may end up with the wrong person cause the sign told you to.

  13. Anyone can get married...The question should be do you love each other enough to spend the rest of your life together.

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