
Can we change our kids DNA?

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does the world have the TECH to alter DNA to make people or newborns the strongest and the smartest humans?

and my second question is which one has more effct on the body THE DNA or hormones?




  1. Yes, but not with some serious adverse reaction at the moment, cloning and genetic engineering   is one way but is not perfected. these approaches have success at microbial molecular level and in Lab,  and limited success with complex organisms

    DNA codes for hormones and provides the basic genetic for  many hormones. But, DNA is subject to the environmental conditions. For example, if one's body is exposed to certain hormones or over produce certain hormones DAN's function could be altered; just like being locked out of  a car.  

  2. No.


  3. We do not have the technology to change DNA. We just ot a list of it a few years agao! Nobody know how it works, yet . . .

    Sicne DNA determines what hormones are avaialble, the DNA would have the strongest effect.

  4. 1.) The only way is to selectively breed with other smart people. In order to change the DNA, you will need to produce the perfect gametes and then you may have smart people. Defining smartness is not perfect IQ scores anything of that sort. I believe "smart" can be defined of how creative you are (which this is located within the dorsal lateral pre-frontal cortex of you frontal lobe). If you look at any scientist (for example Einstien), his ideas are wacky when he first thought of them, and now his ideas became accepted theories just because of creative thinking. So to answer your question, the answer is no. Technology is not advanced enough.

    2.) In your case DNA. Hormones affect flight or flight via the sympathetic nervous system and other hormones to control other activities. DNA had an affect on the body, if there are mutations to cause damage, like sickle cell.

    So it depends which view you look at this. Does the DNA have mutations in it, then the answer would be DNA. If I had to choose, then I would say DNA.

    good luck.

  5. No not yet. But we can alter our children before they are born to have blue eyes or different color hair.

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