
Can we drill for oil?

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Our dependency on foreign oil is killing us and seems that we have enough oil at home.

My questions is: with all the advancement in technology, is it possible to drill for oil in a more environmentally responsible way?





  2. There is not enough domestic oil to be worth it. The cost of extraction is too high.

  3. well, firstly, having the technology to drill responsibly does NOT equal drilling responsibly. There'd be more spills and maybe even a disaster such as the Valdez that would destroy the site forever.

    second, the amount of oil wouldn't barely even make a dent. there's just too much demand and the US dollar is too weak already. it would just mean more money for the oil companies and more destruction.

    It's a dead end. the whole concept is to start using less oil. people are realizing we have to find a way to power society without sucking down untold millions of barrels a day. Hydrogen, solar, electric and wind. they may not be 100% efficient yet, but they're clean, inexhaustible, and would REALLY do a great job of lowering dependance on oil.

  4. Thats not the problem there Ed.   Problem that not alot of people are aware of is -------------- Even though it was on our land , we still must put it on the world market at current world prices. Thank you senators and congressman for that back in the '50's.

  5. Yes, we could, if the d**n democrats and environmental whackos didn't get in the way.

  6. We can drill for oil, we have plenty on land and just offshore and Brazil just recently discovered a huge amount of oil offshore.  No matter how environmentally responsible we try to get, the environmentalist don't want us drilling at all, 0% is what they want.

  7. The US actually isn't confident that it has that much oil available within its borders  (like 20 billion barrels).  Texas is literally squeezing what's left out of its once gushing oil fields. Canada and Russia supposedly have several times more billion barrels (like 80 billion barrels each), while OPEC still has the lion's share. If the US could retool as much of its transit system (like bussing and trucking industries) to run on hydrogen fuel cells ASAP, like Iceland has started to do, that could begin to make a dent in oil dependence and maybe loosen the stranglehold...

    If you can't see that maintaining our dependence on fossil fuel is only going to make things worse, and much worse in the not too distant future, like this century, then you've got some important things to learn, and you better learn soon and become part of the solution and not the problem!!!

    And that's another thing. Responsible?!?!?!?  No one in the world has ever produced oil responsibly.  It has always been no holes barred, get the product to market as fast as possible. Why and how would we possible start being responsible about it now? Just give a little bit of oil out at a tiime and ration it? The country couldn't run on that idea...

  8. there isnt enough oil there to make a difference- in the short term or long term

  9. YES we can and we should . The news of opening up ANWR  

    alone would drop the price of gas overnight 50 cents to a dollar . The big pay-off would be to also build at least one new refinery to increase production as well. These are simple no-brainer solutions to current gas prices . Impact to the environment is minimal to none . If you cant get on board with these simple ideas then you are only being part of the problem .... not the solution.
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