
Can we somehow impeach Gary Bettmen?

by  |  earlier

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i just think he is ruining the great the NHL worked so hard to become.




  1. I think its up to the owners to get together and impeach him.

    Here's a good Bettmam hate site

  2. it cant be done by us . the owners have to buy him out . most stupidest sentance by a commisioner . mighty ducks . most westren team to ever win the stanley cup .  ever heard of seattle , vancouver , or victoria . the next westren place is hawaii . why is he still there . one lost seson is enough . now he is going to cost another one . get a florida team in canada . he wanted n h l out of canada . nice job gary . he has to go . yesterday

  3. I'm all for it.

  4. this bunghole has f'd up the sport of hockey with the stupid rules. the new nhl sucks compared to the old nhl, and he is a dunce.

  5. Yes, just become the owner of 17 teams and you can vote him out of power.

    It's that simple.

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