
Can we trust Malaysian policemen?

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Cheras almost EVERY MONTH, theres a robbery, theft and murder, 2 police stations.sigh....




  1. Do you remember once their motto was "Bersih, Cekap, Amanah"?

    None of the word make sense to us.

    Now they use "Mesra, Cepat, Betul".

    Itupun tak boleh pakai jugak!...tsk..tsk..tsk..(shaking head)

    Maybe they should use "Kasar, Kongkek, Korup" (KKK)

  2. Apparently you can't=P

    But then again who else can you turn to (?!)

  3. do you have a choice?

  4. in 1 group must has a black goat..

  5. 50:50!!

  6. I can list 1,001 things what is wrong with our men/women in blue, and another 1,001 stories on how corrupted they are just using my own, and my family and friends', real life experience.

    But why I should victimize some other honest and sincere policemen  who are willing to stand under the heat of sun and make patrols in the middle of night while receiving salaries below the poverty level. How about those who died while trying to catch criminals? Without them our nation will be filled by mafia members who'll be roaming our streets complete with rifle guns. Are you willing to do the same?

    I hate rogue policemen as much as you all and I've been victimized on certain occassions as well. But despite increase in crime rate, Malaysians generally don't really live in fear and we don't have to worry that we won't come back home to see our family tonight. So, go to h**l with the rogue and lazy policemen (I mean it literally), I still trust the force out of respect to the sincere ones.

  7. only if the government agreed to paid them more salary so they stop taking kopi duit from us to do or not to do their

  8. If police can be trusted? i will see a female pig up the tree!!

    What on the news is not something new!! it happen for many years. that is a easy way to solve case..they are too fat and too stupid to crack any case. all they know is to protect politicians

  9. ahh...never trust anyone

  10. hai orchid. long time no see..

  11. noe wat to say.....

  12. let's do the deduction:

    if most answerers answered that they do not trust malaysian policemen.

    and the policemen are malaysian.

    therefore; we must not trust MALAYSIAN.

  13. If you give them a big enough bribe, You might be okay.

  14. mesra,cepat,betul?

    still can use in difrent way

    mesra- with big tauke dadah,or pretty women

    cepat -when songlap barang (sure everybody know about lost shabu in police station johor baharu)

    betul- no matter what...they always betul we can trust them right?

  15. No, you can't. You have to understand that every police agency in the world does not operate by the same rules as everybody else. Some police organazations do not operate by any rules. People themselves have to change that dynamic.

  16. I'm wary of our policemen. These guys (okay..not all. tellmetellme would say I'm irresponsible to make a sweeping statement!) are worse than the rogues, abusing their power and do everything they aren't supposed to.

  17. No never trust them, they underpaid, so most of the time,there are think of fining you undertable

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