
Can wormholes really transport?

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Can wormholes really transport?




  1. I've always had trouble controlling where I would be transported to.  Also, it usually tares my clothes up.

  2. Not in reality, only in the video games.Or NASA would be doing it.

  3. Of course.  How do you think aliens make it here from across the galaxy? They are like portals to another place/time.

  4. In THEORY, yes.

  5. A wormhole is when two blackhole singularities merge and combine to form a Einstein/Rosenberg bridge. For instance, say that the LHC at CERN in Geneva does unfortunately make a mini-blackhole it could theoretically 'bridge' to the abyss at the center of our galaxy and allow the translation of who knows what kind of extradimensional (spiritual) nightmares into our world. Nothing 'material' would have survived in the blackhole called Sagittarius A* before a bridge was formed.  

  6. Wormhole travel is a theory first proposed by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen.  It is also supported by Stephen Hawking, but has not yet been proven.

    "Although they may seem more the stuff of science fiction than science fact, physicists first dreamed up the idea of wormholes. In 1935, Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen realized that general relativity allows the existence of “bridges,” originally called Einstein-Rosen bridges but now known as wormholes. These space-time tubes act as shortcuts connecting distant regions of space-time. By journeying through a wormhole, you could travel between the two regions faster than a beam of light would be able to if it moved through normal space-time. As with any mode of faster-than-light travel, wormholes offer the possibility of time travel.

    Until recently, theorists believed that wormholes could exist for only an instant of time, and anyone trying to pass through would run into a singularity. But more recent calculations show that a truly advanced civilization might be able to make wormholes work. By using something physicists call “exotic matter,” which has a negative energy, the civilization could prevent a wormhole from collapsing on itself. The stuff of science fiction, to be sure. But perhaps some day in the far future, it could also turn into science fact."

  7. Some theories suggest the possibility that black holes might

    transport matter and energy, but anything falling into the black

    hole is ripped into sub-atomic particles in the process, what would

    'arrive' would bear little resemblance to what fell in.

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