
Can you answer my question,Please?

by Guest65252  |  earlier

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I am 15. My sister is 11 and she wants to know if listening to music is haram at her age?




  1. please avoid it, she wouldn't wanna get punished for something that's not worth it


  2. Here is a link which shows evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah as well as the statements of the scholars.

    Listening to music is Haram at any age.

  3. um i beleive itz da type of music..

    lyk 1's with cursing/sexual lyrics in it..

    lyk rap can b badd....

    n heavy metal is bad bcuz dey talk mostly bout shaytan...heliish stuff..

  4. No Listning to Music Isnt haram !!

  5. Listening to Music at any age is haram. only duff, (tambourine ) is allowed in Islam. Flute,drums and any instruments with strings are prohibited in Islam. ~!

  6. It depends on what music she'll be listening too! and at her age u should take care of what she watching! I love music and I listen to it but other people say its haram so u won't really know who to trust even some Imams say its haram and some say its ok, its a big debate my friend!!!! May Allah guide u and your sister to the right thing amen:)

  7. MUSIC IS NOT HARAM as long as it contains halal stuff and no haram stuff such as pre-maritial s*x, drugs, violence, alcohol, no being straight, racist comments, etc. Like rap has s*x and drugs and stuff in it, and heavy metal has stuff about the devil-obviously these two music types are haram. But, you should always listen to nasheeds every now and then.

    Read these sites: This PROVES that music is indeed halal with certain conditions. (read the part that says its halal)

  8. If she's listening to music at home to get some exercise, it's OK. Just dont' let her go out to the disco.

  9. no it is not harram i used to listen to music when i 11

  10. plz try to read this web

  11. music is haram for all the ages but nasheeds is ok.

  12. Not At All Haram..........

  13. Salam for you my dear sister.Not all musics are haram in Islam.Nashe

    ed and another music who sing good songs which praise,love and respect Allah and prophets/messengers of Allah and praise the beauty of Allah's creation or songs which convey the contents of Qur'an and Hadits are allowed to be heard Prohibition for hearing certain musics which will accelerate our lusts,do not depend on certain age It is prohibited for all muslims

  14. look , listening to music is haram for all ages and you have to teach  her not to listen to music at an early age ..

  15. Majority of the Muslim scholars say Music is haraam.  Majority of the Muslims listens to Music though.  Some people say it is okay, and without giving proof they say, I listen to it.  But see, just because I or you listen to Muslic doesnt make a haraam into halaal.  Also the age doesn't make a haraam into halaal.

    So you have to search for rulings of why the ones who say it is halaal, and why the ones who say it is haraam.  What are their proofs? Which proof is stronger?

    And then you have to pick the path that is most correct according to Islaam from your understanding through the research.


    Ibn Al Qayyim on music

    “From among the artful machinations and entrapments of Allah’s enemy [Satan], with which he has snared those possessing little good sense, knowledge and deen [faith], and by which he has stalked the hearts of the false and ignorant people, there is the listening to whistling, wailing, handclapping and song to the accompaniment of forbidden [musical] instruments. Such things block the Quraan from people’s hearts and make them devoted to sin and disobedience. For song (to musical accompaniment) is the Quraan of Ash Shaytaan (Satan). It is a dense veil and barrier, preventing nearness to Ar-Rahmaan! (Allah) By way of such song, Satan deceives vain souls, making it appear pleasing to them through his cunning appeal to their vanities. He insidiously whispers false, specious arguments suggesting the’ goodness’ in song. These arguments are accepted, and as a result, the Quraan becomes an object of neglect and abandonment.”

    Ibn Al Qayyim

    Page 224, vol. 1 of Ighaathatul Lahfaan

    quote from Mustafa Al-Kanadi’s (rahimuhullah) book “The Islamic Ruling on Music and Singing” under the fourth chapter titled “The Wisdom Behind Its Prohibition by The Divinely Revealed Shariah”.

    taken from

  16. ask your mom, cause everyone here is going to give you different answers, and you wont know who to believe.

    i listen to music that is not bad, cursing, talking bad, etc., and i also listen to nasheeds.

  17. Ask your Masjid Imam!!

    wooww She is only 11 & and she likes to listen to music!!

  18. Some Muslims argue its not haram, others say it is haram. Do some research and make up your own mind.

  19. No. Just don't listen to the ones that always talk about s*x and curse words.

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