
Can you deny Global Warming anymore?

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It's true that global warming can cause shifts in precipitation patterns. That includes both droughts and an increase in severe precipitation events.

But here is a better response to people who claim that a stretch of cold weather proves that global warming isn't occurring:

1) Global warming is about CLIMATE change. Climate is not weather. Weather considers the temperature over short time periods, like days and weeks. Climate is the average weather over a much longer period, like 30 years. This is important because the long-term averages in temperature determine things like glacial melting, the ocean temperature (stronger hurricanes and higher sea levels from the expansion of warmed water), the overall evaporation of water (droughts), and migration and hibernation patterns of wildlife.

2) With this definition, there is no question that the climate is getting warmer. Since record keeping began in 1880, for the entire globe, 2005 was the warmest year, and 2006 the sixth warmest. Including 2006, six of the seven warmest years have occurred since 2001. Ten of the warmest years have occurred since 1995. For the contiguous U.S., 2006 was the third warmest year on record.




  1. Feel there is no denying global warming and think we are past the point of no return. The ice pump off the Atlantic coast has been destroyed this is one reason for the big weather change.

  2. I don't deny global warming.  I don't deny the warming that was warmer and went on longer during the medieval warming period nor do I deny that it may be warming from some arbitary point, like your 1880 date.

  3. I think you need to site a more authoritative reference than MSNBC.

  4. Well your right that the whole idea of global warming is that the summers get hotter and the winters get colder (al r****d gore forgot about that).  

    High sea levels will never take place.  Why?  It's called WATER some research on that and get back to me.

    Sections of the north pole melt and refreeze EVERY year.  So to take some dramatic footage of this and call it global warming.  You can watch this occuring from space on Planet Earth on the DISCOVERY channel.  To take dramatic footage of this natural, i stress natural, event and call it global warming is abominable and propoganda.

    Yes record keeping began in 1880.  Thats just over a hundred years.  Thats not even a pin prick on the lifespan of the earth.  We don't know if the earth goes though hot and cold cycles just like we didn't know about El Nino until the 90's.  And El Nino supposedly runs on a 6 year cycle.

    Plan and simple.  The powers that be want to create a shift away from oil.  Why?  So that they can create and shape policies that would require a new paradigm in energy.  The paradigm would shift and the companies that we're creating said energy would become heavily invested in the government and vise versa.  And the politicions shaping said policy would become fabulously wealthy.

    This has happened's called THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION.  Grab a history book.  If we ignore or past we just keep making the same mistakes over and over and over.

    Also in that laughable article you linked to.  It said that this march was the second warmest ever.  Did you read when the first warmest was?  March 1910...LOL only thrity years since people started "taking tempature".  You may want to read the article all the way through next time.  And don't listen to the main stream media.

  5. nah.with this weather? not anymore!

  6. our ozone layer's really depleting nowadays, so global warming's up on its way, really.

  7. You're still talking relatively short term stuff.  I like looking at the last 150 years as the clincher:

  8. People have been recording the weather long before 1880.

    In fact, if you're really interested take a moment to look up some of the records on what glaciers were doing during the medieval warm period and "little ice age."

    Climate change is nothing new.

    And I think this comment about sums up where the "Chicken Little" crowd is coming from:

    "Climate is the average weather over a much longer period, like 30 years."

    30 years is NOTHING.  It's not even a drop in the bucket.  The before mentioned Medieval warm period lasted for FIVE HUNDRED years.. and the "little ice age" lasted for FOUR HUNDRED.  And they were little more than blips.

    Climate shifts are things that take place over TENS OF THOUSANDS of years...  think bigger.

  9. So I guess,according to you

    1 If it's to cold it's because of global warming

    2.If it's to warm it's because of global warming

    3 If it rains,it's because of global warming

    4.If we get no rain,it's because of global warming

    5.If the polar caps start melting,it's because of global warming

    6.If we get an ice age,and the polar caps begin to grow,it's because of global warming

    7.If it snows,It's because of global warming

    8.if it doesn't snow,it's because of global warming

    So no matter what happens you will blame,global warming for everything

    As you are posting this question,you are using energy which is produced by generators that were produced by burning fossil fuels,so in your efforts in screaming the sky is falling,you have contributed to global warming

    Get off the soap box dude,Fat Al already made a fool of himself enough,we don't need more lttle Al wanabees

  10. I'm not a scientist in this field.  Therefore, a denial from me has no meaning.   However, there are quite a few scientists who still question the correctness of the GW theory.  Nevertheless, my biggest question is and has been, why are the proponents of the theory such pessimists who see nothing but gloom and doom.  As the climate changes, some regions will suffer from the changes while other regions will prosper.  But nobody wants to talk about the good changes.  Any comment?

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