
Can you drink to much water?

by Guest60708  |  earlier

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i drink on average about 3lt a day i weigh 110kg and need to lose weight i am training slowely i am kinda out of shape and need to be able to do 2,4km in about 10min is this possible for someone my size?




  1. It is possible to drink tooo much water. Just don't force yourself to drink too much.  

  2. It is possible to drink too much water and could be potentially fatal.  It will dilute the electrical signals used in your body to send messages and will shut down your system.  A woman here drank about 3 lt of water to win a Wii system for her kids on a radio show contest and ended up dying.  And at 110kg, it would be tough to do 2.4km in 10 mins.  Try shooting for 1.6km in 10 mins first.

  3. There is such a thing as water poisoning.As a matter of fact there is a big law suite going on right now over this.One of the major Radio stations in the country had a contest to give away a nintendo WII to whoever drank the most water without using the bathroom.They had a woman die from water poisoning.As long as you are releiving yourself you should be fine.It is good that you are not drinking sugar drinks.One sugar drink a day will retain 20lbs of weight a year.Good luck on your training.

  4. u will just end up pissing alot! Someone told me about a women who got brain damage cuz she drank to much water.

  5. yes you can what happends is that too much water washes away all of your electrolites which in term is bad so don't drink too much water with out eating

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