
Can you drown a fish?

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Can you drown a fish?




  1. no way!  You can disease it and kill them, but there is no way you can drown them...just think about it...

  2. yes if he is in an aquarium with no oxygen

  3. I don't think so..

  4. yes cause they need fresh oxygen going in the water so if you closed a container completely

    See gills filter water and take out the oxygen H2O

  5. yeah, withought oxygen and no air

  6. Yeah, you can drown them with oxygen. Why??

  7. In a way you can!  Oxygen starvation caused by tanks that are out of balance.  New tanks must go through a cycle - ammonia - nitrogen - nitrate.  It is a science that everyone who enjoys fish should learn about. Established tanks (after they have cycled and stabilized) still need partial water changes and routine "housecleaning" by vacuuming out old food, dead plants, fish poo, etc.  The accumulation of these wastes will "poison" your tank causing an imbalances.  When I started getting serious about my fish I would test the tank water all the time.  You can check the status of your tanks water by getting test kits that show the levels of ammonia, nitrogen, nitrates, ph, etc. I rarely use them now as I can "tell" what condition my tanks are.  Although some fish need specialized environments that need constant monitoring.  (This is where I get lazy, I avoid those species.)

  8. Even with perfect water conditions it is possible to drown some types of fish like Betta's and gouramis. They have a gland on the top of there head that allows them to breathe air from the atmosphere so they have the ability to live in oxygen deprived waters. Even in oxygen rich water they would die if they did not have access to the air. So yes, they can drown.

    Wuts up with this question being posted all the time?

  9. no that's why they can swim so they won't drown if the fish did drown they would be did or have a sickness

  10. A little crude, but no, I don't believe so.

    You can air it, though. Ha ha ha.
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