
Can you fix teeth gaps manually?

by  |  earlier

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When I was little I used to suck my fingers everyday, for morning till night. My parents kept on telling me not to do it, and that they were going to come out crooked. Me being disobedient, still did it :P And now I have a gap. Only my two front teeth are the bad ones.

My mom said I could push them [but now it's too late, since you have to do that when they're growing new]

I have a gap of 4mm, and they stick out 6mm [not that bad, they don't stick out out of my lips like they're 9mm]

I know, ugly. ugly. ugly. >__>

And it's my fault. We don't have any money to get braces [freakin 5000 dollars!] and teeth bands would help, but where do I purchase them? Could I still try to push them back and push them together?

I really want them to be fixed....should've listened to my parents -_-

Thanks for your help.




  1. No you can not do what you are thinking.  You need gentle but sustained force to move teeth, since you are in fact moving teeth through jawbone.  You would have to keep pushing back on your teeth 24/7 for a year and a half.

    Trust me, braces would do a better job!

    Perhaps putting crowns on your two front teeth would eliminate the gap.  But they would still stick out.

  2. try getting some braces rubber bands and putting them on your front two teeth. the band should force the two teeth to move closer. sorry, as far as purchasing them you could try an orthodontist or there is always ebay.

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