
Can you have Chameleons in australia??

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  1. You cannot keep exotic reptiles (such as chameleons) in Australia. If you want a reptile pet, look for a breeder of local lizards or snakes.

    "It is illegal to keep chameleons as pets in Australia, as it is feared that if they were to escape from captivity, they could establish viable breeding populations in the wild, or introduce exotic diseases to our native wildlife."

  2. No, all exotic reptiles are strictly illegal for a private individual to keep in Australia.

    If you would like a pet lizard, may I suggest a Blue Tongue Skink or Bearded Dragon. They are popular choices for beginners, if you would like to know more about these here is a link to a care sheet for each.



    Hope this helps.

  3. they are very hard animals to take care of and need they cage sprayed 7 times a day with the humidity sprayer and if you touch them they can get bruised and if you drop them their legs fall off and they get stressed and die and need a big tall aquarium and places to climb!

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