
Can you hear this?

by  |  earlier

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Apparently this sound can only be heard by people under 30 years old, kids can hear it the clearest though!




  1. i can hear it and im younger than 30

  2. I can hear the sound but I have to turn my computer speakers way up.

  3. Speakers had to be turned up and I heard it. I'm 24.

  4. Not so much as a peep, lap-top speakers not so good though, and I haven't got headphones here with me.  I'm 40.

  5. hmmm,im not sure what im supposed to be hearing,i can hear a faint buzzing noise,with the speakers right up,our jay and becky can hear it,she ran off making buzzing noises,weird,lol

  6. I'm 24 and I can hear nothing. The king is naked.

  7. all i heard was a high pitched sound.  im 21

  8. I'm 24 and VERY ANGRY YOU MADE ME LISTEN TO A SOUND THAT HURTS. waaaaaahhhhhhh!

  9. I heard it perfect and the speakers were pretty low.

    I'm 18

  10. no, and i'm 14

    (i can't often focus either, O.o)

  11. I could hear a very faint that it? Im 29 next week.

  12. I'm 31 and can hear this sound loud and clear.  it's a very high pitched sound.  alot like when a TV is on but is muted.  When I hear this sound it gets stuck in my head like I can still hear it.  Almost like thinking of something very sour and your taste buds water and get the sensation of sour.  I hope this isn't just me:)

  13. Not a thing. I turn 40 next month.

    That was interesting! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Didn't hear it, but a warning:

    If you turn your speakers up to try to hear, you may be damaging your ears, even if you can't hear the signal.  My ears are still ringing!

    BTW, you might hear background static when you turn your speakers up, but that's not the sound that's being played.  This isn't specifically tied to age, but your ability to hear higher pitched sounds will deteriorate with age.  You can damage your ears at a younger age by playing your ipod too loud or turning your car stereo way up too often.

  15. Nope can't hear it. Can hear my cumpu running and the fridge and a plane over head, outside, but no phone signal.I,m 56.

  16. yep i heard it no probs. 22 y/o

  17. 52 year old male-icould 't hear it even with earphones

  18. I couldn't hear it either and I'm a lot more that 14. Well over the 30.

  19. I heard it. Speakers had to be all the way up though. I'm 32.

  20. Yes I can hear it, I'm 25.  It sounds like about 16.8KHz.  It's a horrible noise.

  21. Oh dear, can't hear a thing!

  22. i heard it and im 43 years old

  23. Wow thats loud and I`m 50 and deaf.

  24. im under 30 but i cant hear it

  25. No i turned it up full all 5 of my kids are in the room they didnt hear it either, its Bullsh/t.


  26. HERE IT.
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