
Can you help <span title="me???????????????????????????????????">me???????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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i need ALOT of pranks




  1. ok try this on your neighbor (AT YOUR OWN RISK!!)

    take a garbage can and fill it about 3/4 way with water. You lean this up against a house&#039;s door. knock on the door, run, and hide so you can see it from a distance.. when the unsuspecting person opens the door the water will fall into their house flooding it. this is really a sick prank!! my friend and i have done it before HAHAHAHHA!!! BUT DON&#039;T GET CAUGHT!!


  2. take a **** in your parents bathtub

  3. I&#039;ll swap you for a few question marks...!

  4. This is an oldie but a goodie!  Tie an American flag onto the bumper of their car so they cant see it when they get in.  They will be towing around the flag and everyone will be flipping em off!! also another one of my favorites is spraying mace in their heater vents.. both are hilarious.

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