
Can you imagine life without music ?

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Can you imagine life without music ?




  1. Yes.

    Me in the graveyard lol.

  2. Honestly I can't. For me music is everything, I listen to music on the way to work, at work, at home while cleaning, while taking a shower (singing in the shower too lol). I'm a huge music fan and I listen to all different types of music but the one artist that I can't live without is Mohamed Fouad.

  3. No i cant, that would be horrific.

    Music is so important in my life, i sing, i hum, & i enjoy all the variety. Music is soothing, lifting & just plain company sometimes. Its been my savour at times when i've just wanted to curl up & hide away. It keeps the boredom from my job.

    Without it, i'd be half the person i am today.

  4. then i  would be fat and uglier because i need music do to my dancing excercises lol

  5. No i can't and i don't want too either... !!

    I hear music in everything around me, in nature in words in reading in songs.... its everywhere around us.

    I love to listen to Quran... to me its music in my ears.... i love to listen to songs, (i have them grouped according to my mood..... sometimes listening to a certain song changes my mood altogether... i might be down and it gets me up or it may make me more nostalgic or romantic). Also, lyrics are sooo important to me, cos they give meaning to the sound.

    Certain songs act as a memory trigger to some event in my life and when i hear that song or those words i am transformed to that place in that point in time.

  6. Boring like h**l....

  7. yes i can imagine life without music,without sunrise,without rain....without most of things ...but i can not imagine life without moonrise.

  8. Yes I Can.

  9. am tryin to cut it out. dont wanna be surrounded by jinn allday long

  10. Nooooooooo its a nightmare to me.


  11. I agree with hope, music is found in the nature ,

    Who doesn't like the sound of the sea waves coming to the shore,

    Who doesn't like to hear the singing of the birds, and the whispering of the wind,

    We can't live without music,

    2 days ago , my colleagues were discussing the forbidden of songs and music in Islam, and I was annoyed from that, bcoz I think Music and songs is not forbidden in Islam if its good songs and music,


    and driving would be such a bore wouldn't it!!

  13. i like music.....but theres nothing really that one cant live without....except for the naturals

  14. i can't!

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