
Can you keep female seahorses together?

by  |  earlier

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I'm researching pet seahorses before I buy them, and I have a few questions.

Firstly, is it neccessary to have male & females together, or can I just keep 2 females? I don't want to breed them.

Are there any tanks designed specifically for seahorses, and which shaped tanks are best?

Do they need live plants or will plastic do, and does anyone have info on which plants to use?

Which species is easier to look after? I read that Zulu lulus were easy, but I can't find any info on them.

Are there any reputable seahorse suppliers online? (Australia) And any I should stay away from?

Thank you!




  1. i suppose you could keep just females.. dont see any reason not to..

    long low wide tanks are best for ALL fish...

    i prefer silk plants for saltwater.. not all plastic ones are rated for SW and the silkies last longer and look better

    there isn't a genus 'Zulu' as far as im aware.. i believe they are all Hippocampus.. of which H. kuda is a fairly easy one im told

    sorry couldn't say..

  2. i think you can buy them either 2 males or 2 females and i f you dont want to risk it, and no they can live happily together they wont die. tanks well you cant acuttallly put them in 18litres your going to have to go over 30L i sujest and with the tank find one thats a bit high not long ae just they float. with seas horses they need an chemial which takes 6 weeks to sink to the bottom, theyll need salt water not fresh. salt water can be a problem if you dont put enough or too much they die plus youll need more chemical too keep the ph levels good. then another chemicals. this would cost over $70. but then the tank would be over $100 so your looking at around $200+. then i would put real life plants in their becuase they feed off it sometimes, but then after a few weeks  youll need to get more of the plants. plus youll need a huge filtre worht over $700. theses pumps are largelike half a M. so if you dont have salt water fish yet then i sujest save  up for it. i have a website that has alot of wholesales  pets including sea horse.

  3. Here is the deal with Sea Horses. They are a more difficult specimen to keep in the saltwater hobby. They are very hard to feed correctly, and they need near perfect water conditions all the time! You can do this with a filter that is less than 700 dollars, however. If you do decide to try this (not recomended for a first time salt water tank) make sure you invest in a good protien skimmer and a hang on the back refugium. The refugium can grow critters the horses will eat. You can try to find some horses that will eat frozen foods also. I suggest more research before you make this investment.

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