
Can you live without chocolate?

by  |  earlier

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I can't.





  2. not more than 5 minutes lol

  3. don't like it.

  4. yes. it makes u break out.

  5. I can.

    It's pretty easy.


  6. yes

  7. I could.... But I choose not to.

  8. I don't believe that I can.  It is one of the food groups, right?

  9. i could never

  10. i could but i wouldn't want to:)

  11. I haven't eaten in 2 weeks! I'm doing pretty good! haha

  12. Deffo, chocolate does very little for me.

  13. Nooo way. Chocolate FTW

  14. Nope. Have to have it.

    They say eating 2 oz of dark chocolate a day is actually good for you, because of the antioxidants.  I also believe that a bit of chocolate a day leads to a happier life, since eating chocolate releases the same endorfins [spelling is totally wrong, sorry, I'm tired] that  are released when you o****m, and we all know how happy THAT makes you...

  15. i hate chocolate :)

  16. Yes, but extra dark chocolate is pretty darn yummy

  17. NO ......but i have too cause I'm breastfeeding and it gives my little girl a belly ach:(:(:(God i miss it!

  18. easily

  19. Ba hahaha! What's that old saying? You can have my chocolate when you pry it out of my cold, dead hand.

  20. yes. chocolate is not as good as vanilla.

  21. Yes you can lol, there is a woman who swore off chocolate and junkfood and she is over 100 years old and still goes surfing

  22. Of course not. I have a serious chocolate problem. Today I made some fat free chocolate brownies so that I could still have my indulgence, but not ruin my diet, and they were really nice.

  23. I stopped eating it 6 years ago! It wasn't by choice! I survived!

  24. NO!

    I tried to stop eating chocolate once and ended up gorging the first chance I got. Now, I keep a small stash in the house at all times.

    Favorites: Mega M&Ms, Mars, White chocolate and coffee cream filled.

  25. easily.  now sugar...

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