
Can you read tarot?

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Give me the scoop? I don't read for myself cuz I am to biased and it effects the read.




  1. why would you want some one to read your cards on line?you never ask what decks you want read from,or what kind of spread  you want?There are rules for real readings and if you'd like one,a real one.....until then your shaman card of the day is 62north-masculine-winter-elder-air.liste... to your inside teacher,use the knowledge properly,an you have wisdom,and with wisdom,power    blessed be.......

  2. I can make up stuff just like any other person who claims to read tarot cards.

  3. Get the Book "Tarot Made Easy" by Nancy Garen" it will help you. I recommended doing the 30 Day Spread. I like to write down what the cards say and then see how the predictions unfold.

  4. Study psychology. It's more productive and interesting.

  5. Actually anyone can read tarot, and you are correct you cannot read for yourself, because it does effect the reading.

    I know that if the person wanting the reading touches the cards it picks up on them specifically, and the readings are more accurate

    I personally do not read tarot, but I know quite a few people who do. Their reading are always correct, but it is a matter of how a person feels about psychics, tarot card readers... many say it is a fraud, but I believe that tarot is nothing more than a conformation of what you yourself already know, because many people that have tarot readings done, already know what the cards say because they are living in that moment at that time or lived it a few days ago....

  6. I read them only when I think a bit of clarification is needed....but mostly I tend to pick out a 'common theme' (symbols, etc) rather than focusing on what the "traditional definition" might be.

    Sometimes I can read for myself --- or at least get a bit of insight into where I need to focus my self discovery.

  7. i am a rationalist. i do not believe in tarot reading.

  8. I think one of the genius things about tarot, is that it doesnt matter what cards come out, they will seem like the perfect ones.

    I dont think it has anything to do with psychic abilities, or anything paranormal, I believe the effect is in the images. You see the cards, and want them to mean something, so you make associations until they do mean something.

    The mind has an extrodinary ability to make syncronicities between two things, desired results and cards.

    Of course, a tarot card reader makes use of this, while doing either what they believe is a real psychic reading, or a con-man psychic doing a cold reading.

  9. I read that Paris Hilton will lose her large inheritance from grampy Hilton. No, not just Paris, but all of them will get cut out it shows.

  10. I, for one, can't read tarot.

    He......He.......He....!!!!!!!!  ;)

  11. here's your  reading;



    Justice Divinatory Meaning: The scale that the woman holds is balanced. The sword, which could bring swift justice depending on the outcome of the scales, is poised and ready to use. It too offers its own balance by pointing up, while the scales counter it by pointing down. The thrust of this card is that passion must be balanced with honor. This card may also imply that tests are being put forth before you, or that you are being judged. One must pass these tests and judgments before successes can be truly realized. It could also indicate legal issues that are either in your life, or soon will be. The negative aspect of this card could indicate that one-sided opinions and biases could cloud a person's judgment.


    The Tower

    The Tower Divinatory Meaning: The positive side of this card may mean that despite the fact a person is currently in a crisis, they may come out ahead. Chaos can bring positive transformation. It does say that the person pulling the card will be going through hard times, perhaps even ruin. Words associated with this card have been disillusionment, downfall, sudden change, revelation and uncomfortable change. The trick is to look at what you're experiencing right now and see the silver lining. What is the lesson and hope behind the problem? Can you see the light? Behind every rain cloud is blue skies. Keep in mind that this storm will pass. Also ask yourself, are you the storm in someone else's life? Are you the chaos and turbulence? It may be asking for a softer stance from you.


    The Hermit

    Divinatory Meaning: This card shows on lone figure holding a star filled lantern representing knowledge. His lowered head represents sacrifice for his chosen life-style but his spiritual and intellectual gains have been well worth it. This old man has chosen a solitary path towards enlightenment, not one of lust and passion. He is not necessarily an ordained person, but one who is educated in the world and one that has chosen to follow his own inner voice. As in other spiritual masters, one must sometimes walk a solitary path to find true enlightenment. The positive aspect of this card is self-knowledge leading to mastery, the pursuit of truth, and that spiritual growth is its own reward. Negative associations might include false humility might bring about loneliness and isolation. It may be trying to suggest that you need to face the truth or the current circumstances.

  12. Yes, make up anything you want. That's why you can't do it your self.
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