
Can you really and has

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anyone out there ever made money stuffing and sealing

envelopes at home? Any ideas how you can make money at home? Not babysitting either.




  1. by Bonquisha Jones , are you kidding me here. BONG quisha, is a stoner made up name to promote some B>S> web sites.

    Yahoo employees wake up and get rid of these kind of preditors here.

    YAHOO read all of the answers in the business section and you will see the extent of these preditors and how much thay have filtered into yahoo answers

  2. I haven't stuffed envelopes at home but I did spend years doing piece work at home.  I glued nutrition tables, wrapped copper for electronic pieces that go inside computers, ac adapters and cars.  It's kind of hard to get into because you have to know someone who does it and then get a referral.  There are other companies that do it gluing perfume samples on postcards, attaching labeling on diaper bags, etc.  

    The money isn't that good for the amount of hours you have to put into it.  My best paying contract (you get paid by the piece, not the hour) came out to $300 every two weeks after taxes and I was working 20 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Needing to hammer pieces together.  I worked until my fingers bled and my neighbors were right to be ticked off.  I had to take caffeine pills to stay awake because in order to have the boss keep calling me for more work, I had to be the fastest, and have the best quality product.  You don't get paid for mistakes & time is money.  Obviously, $300 isn't worth all of that, but I did it because I had debts to pay off and I wanted to be home for my kids.  As soon as they were paid, I quit that job and we've been living on my husbands income ever since.

    I would actually love to do piece work again.  It was perfect for me because my hands always have to stay busy or I go crazy.  But it would have to be something much quieter than the copper wrapping (which used a special machine that was as loud as a Harley), or the hammering which I couldn't put my neighbors through again.

    Legitimate companies will never ask you to pay for the privilege of working for them.  Let's be clear on that because I know people who have been ripped off terribly trying to get a job like mine only making jewelry or stuffing envelopes.  Try going to all the companies in the industrial area where you live.  Ask them if they're looking for piece work workers.  If they don't need anyone right away, but do use home workers, then ask to be called if there's ever an opening.

  3. No but i make over $100 dallors with these two sites.

    Use gangstergreed first you make over $50 dallors

    cashtroops you make the same over 50$ and gangsster greed pays you 3$ when you sign up
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