
Can you run a mile straight???

by  |  earlier

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If so what do you do to distract yourself from actually thinking about it too much when your running.Any ideas!




  1. ....

    **I run 90 minutes, non-stopping, three times a week, and race half marathons (13.1 miles) on a regular basis, running, not stopping.**

    Interesting question!  Before you begin, or resume, your running routine, first ask yourself, what do you enjoy doing?  And why run in the first place?

    Do you enjoy:

    -Being with people?



    (Apparently not being alone, and silence!)

    Are you running to:

    -Become increasingly fit?

    -Lose weight?

    -Prepare for other sports?

    Determine what you generally enjoy doing, and why you are running in the first place.  Then surround running with what you enjoy!  This can mean running with friends, or with an iPod, running and enjoying woods, or enjoying being up at the break of day.  Before you go on a run, and perhaps throughout the day as well, remind yourself why you run.

    Personally, I like competition, running with people, becoming increasingly fit (and maintaining my weight), and the physical challenge.  But this is me.  

    What YOU enjoy, and YOUR reasons for running, may be entirely different!  Determine this yourself, and when you go out for a run, you'll find it's not such a tedious exercise after all.



    A note:  surveys indicate that beginning runners do most frequently divert their attention away from running while running.  Experienced runners tend to focus on the running!  What they're feeling, inside, while they run.  But even experienced runners, whether they know it or not, have enveloped their running experience with something other than pure running, for example, competition.

  2. i always thinl aboout what im doing when im running even the pain. i make myself push till im done

  3. Run each lap in eight sections, thats twenty four sections on most  outdoor tracks. When you get to nineteen sections completed run with everything you have left.

  4. Yeah, I'd like to make that 6 miles straight! All you have to do is focus, I just turn up the music and go. Think about keeping a steady pace while you're running that means - not going too fast and wearing yourself out, keep your body loose, keep yourself hydrated... bang out as much as you can for as long as you can, and try to do more the next day... each day you'll get farther and farther and it'll get easier and easier =)

  5. I've ran 15 miles before

    I run mile-3 mile races

    Since I don't have any ipods, or mp3s, I just 'space out' when I run in practice.  I don't become conscience of how long I've went or how much I have left.  I run on the roads on a certain route so in the end, I know how much I've ran.

    Sometimes I just stare out into the distance and observe the horizon. you know?  Or I'll just stare out far so it'll keep me going toward it.

  6. Yes I can run a mile straight.  To not get distracted I think about all the things that make me sad, happy, and angry.  When I'm angry I sprint, when I'm sad i run and when I'm happy i jog.  Good Luck

  7. think about your social life. and think about what your going to do later that day

  8. Yes. It's always been pretty easy for me to distract myself. Just make up some daydream/fantasy and think about that. You know, one where you get drafted into the NBA and turn out to be some ridiculous superstar who's dunking all over Kobe and shattering backboards over LeBron, etc. You don't have to tell anyone about it later, so you can make it as unrealistic (and fun) as you like!

  9. I have trained... 1 mile is a cake-walk for me... but to insure that i get along the distance quickly i listen to music or breath in and out in the tune of my favorite songs...!

  10. I have ADD. I think no matter what is going on. Just drink like 8 redbulls before you run and you will be ok.

  11. Listen to an ipod or mp3 player..that always helps me. Or run with a friend so you can talk. My mind just kind of wanders when i'm running, so it seems to go by fairly does get boring sometimes though.

  12. just clear your mind before you run

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