
Can you swim?

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Can you swim?




  1. I'm an average swimmer.

  2. yes...why?

  3. Ya, I'm actually really awesome at swimming. : )

  4. yes..

  5. yes and im really fast

  6. Yes but I always get on people's nerves in swimming pools because apparently I splash a lot when I'm swimming. I can't helpit though...oh well never mind!

  7. If floating backward counts. i can.


  8. Yes

  9. yes, i like to do when p.e classes

  10. yep like a fish!

  11. yes but I don't like too swim at all.

  12. YEAHH:)

  13. No, I never learned to swim.

  14. 3 times a week for the last 4 years.

  15. Yes i love swimming in the surf!!

  16. I was a diver for 37 years so this would be an embarrasing time to find out that I couldn't

  17. Yes. I live in Australia so it's an important part of our upbringing.  My daughter was in a pool from 6months old, had her first professional swimming class at 1 year and could swim the length of an olympic pool at 5.

  18. i CANT SWiM SO i JUS FLOAT :)

  19. Yes I am not too bad at it either but I hate to do it.

  20. yes but i choose not to

  21. No : (

  22. Yes i can swim very well
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