
Can you tell me??.....easy question...?

by  |  earlier

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Have your menstrual cycles ever changed lengths (once you got out of your early teens of course) ??? If so, what brought about the change??

Like they say that if an overweight woman eats healthily and loses weight, her cycles will become closer together and more regular, and they also say that putting on weight lengthens the cycle, a lot of exercise and becoming too underweight or overweight can make you miss them,

so has anything changed your cycles? made them shorter or longer or caused you to skip them?? thanks in advance.




  1. My cycle changed once, after I "changed" boyfriend.

    And it always changes at the end of the summer and again at tthe start of  the spring (each year).

    But when I gained weight it had no change, maybe if u gain on weight heavilly ~that could change your hormons~

  2. yeah but idk whats wrong i haven't had mine all summer; im not sexually active im 15 but oh well its nice not having them but i kinda just want it back to know im not pregnant some how.

  3. I know of three things that can lenghten your cycle...quitting or changing job, moving and taking a plane...

    I did all those three things at the same time once (I quit my job and moved to another country, by plane) and I ovulated about 10 days late...I got pregnant too, ortherwise, I would have had my periods 10 days later than usual.

    I was always very regular, except when I would take a plane to go on vacacion, and then I would be a few days late.

    Otherwise, getting older lenghten your cycle (according to my personal experience). For each decades, my cycle lasted about a day longer.

    I don't know about fluctuations being influenced by weight and exercise, but I'm pretty sure I could be a factor, because a lot of things happens in your body when you're out of shape and you get into shape, or vice versa.

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