
Can you train a pig?

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I'm thinking about buying a baby miniature pot belly pig since I absolutely love pigs. I'd want it IN the house, could I train it to go to the bathroom outside?




  1. Dude... pigs are smarter than DOGS. They have the intelligence of three year-old children!! PIGS ROCK!!!!


  2. Yes, Definatly.

  3. Pigs are actually smarter than dogs!

  4. Yes, pigs are very smart! You should google some sites about it, I found one that may help:

  5. No, but the pig can train you

  6. yes you can train a pig but pigs need alot of care and they make a lot of mess i kno cuz we have them at school be prepared before u get them

  7. yes Supposibly they are smarter than dogs!?!?!?

  8. Pigs are very intelligent, so I'm sure you could train one!  You can even train rabbits to use a litter box, and they aren't exactly the smartest creatures on the planet.

    "Pigs are intelligent and have been placed fourth on the intelligence list (humans, primates, dolphins/whales, pigs)."

  9. Apparently, yes.  They are very intelligent.  My Mother had a pig as a pet when she was a child.  His name was Calico.  He made such a wonderful pet that she still talks about him and she is now 90 years old.  I think you could say she was impressed with him!

  10. Pigs are smart, but check with the town where you live to find out whether you can keep them as pets. Be sure that you meet some adult pot bellies, so you won't be overwhelmed by the size when your piglet grows up.  

  11. I been called a pig many times and Im homeless so im used to peein outside

  12. totally. pigs are actually really intelligent animals!  

  13. Yes Pigs are pretty smart

  14. All of the above, but just basically, yes! lol

  15. ya i raised pigs there pretty easy to train

  16. YES YOU CAN! Did you know that pot bellys are smarter than some Dogs. I even saw on Ripley's Believe It Or Not that a woman w/ a pot belly pig had a stroke. The pig knew something was wrong and ran out in the middle of there neighborhood street, squelling and a man that knew the woman w/ the pig stoped and got out of his car. the pig grabd the man's pat leg and drug him into the house...the pig saved her LIFE!

  17. Yeah I've heard they're easier to train and smarter than dogs.
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