
Candian Satires Acts/Play?

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Canadian satire?

Hello, at my school we have to do a project on "Canadian stereotypes" and stuff. We have to perform it in a satire. The problem is that we can't think of anything to do. We were going to do a news like report, where we have an anchor and 3 more people performing what the anchor would say. So can anyone please give me any ideas/stereo types? One we have is where talking about traffic and the anchor's like. "We will now go to traffic with "person name"" and the traffic person would talk about two moose crashing on the highway.




  1. I like the moose crashing thing you have. It's actually kind of funny. Are you actually in Canada? If you aren't, remember to be sensitive in your satire and light-humoured. What I mean by this is that you might end up offending someone if there is a Canadian in your class or if someone disagrees with the stereotype that you chose because it ends up being mean (by accident).

    One thing that is Canadian is the poutine. It is french fries with gravy and cheese curd. You could include in your news report that the record for eating poutines has been broken and list some obscure number of how many the person ate, and even have one of your group mates eating a poutine in a frenzy to show humour.

    You could also joke that because of global warming, many people in Canada are left homeless due to the melting of our igloos.

    You could even go as far out as saying that Molsen Canadian has joined with the federal government and declared "nationwide" free beer day as a public holiday where all the Canadians are free to have as much beer as we want.

    I like the Canadian satire thing, I think it's cute and if done right it could have the potential to be hilarious. Try not to be mean when you're doing it. Us Canadians are people too! :P The news report is a wonderful idea, I used it a lot in high school for different reports. You could even have a weather report that just has a map of Canada blanketed in snow. Lots of ideas here. Do a google search on Canadian stereotypes to give you more fun ideas. Use lots of props in your presentation and perhaps use music by Canadian artists as your cue in and cue out music.

    Have fun and be nice. It'll turn out great!

  2. Rent the movie Canadian Bacon.

    Check out Bob and Doug Mackenzie on you tube.

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