
Canine cancer?

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can HHA 4-Herb liquid cocentrate cure canine cancer




  1. Change diet to whole raw food, go to slankers grass fed meats for raw meat from grass-fed animals, eliminate all poisons and toxins from environment, use only organic cleaning and shampoos etc

    You could also try EFT, go to the website

  2. I've never heard of that liquid, but I do know that if it contains powerful antioxidants, your canine's own immune system should start working to fight any infection.

    Out of the blue one day, my dog was diagnosed with cancer.  They gave him less than two weeks to live.  I started him on a supplement, and within two weeks he started improving!  He lived for another 7 months.  But, he was much healthier and happier during that time.

    If I have another dog, you can bet that I will be feeding him a supplement to his diet so that it would minimize the risk of a horrible disease like that.  

    If you choose the 4-herb concentrate - just make sure that it is safe for pets.  Remember, canines can be effected by raisins or grapes - and oh yeah, please check with your vet first.  You can contact me if you want to know what I used.

  3. proboly not
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