
Cant find my kids glasses?

by Guest11021  |  earlier

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I know this is kinda a silly question, but i cant find my kids glasses any ideas as where it could be in my house of course, like where are strange places kids hide stuff??




  1. the trash, toy box, closets.

  2. Down the toilet

  3. in the couch, in the dryer, in the vents! their beds, in the car, in their pockets and in their shoes

  4. The refrigerator?

  5. under the bed

  6. Try behind the toy box, under the bed, the dresser drawers where they can reach, pillowcases are a great place, by the entertainment canter if you have one, in the car, behind the car seat, shoes and if not there try a new pair at the store. Chances are you will find them then after you pay for the new ones.

  7. My son is a hider and thief too! LOL! we've found stuff in ALL of these places: The trash can, under or behind the couch, on the side of the refrigerator, the toilet, any box or container within reach of the child, the dishwasher, dryer, washer, purses that are laying around, closets..... Is he/she old enough to tell you? Well probably not if you on here asking huh? lol!

    Good Luck & God Bless!!

  8. Check under the bed, under any blankets on the bed, the bathroom, in the couch cushions, toy box, the dirty clothes hamper, on tables or shelves. Where does you kiddo usually put his/her glasses? Check there first, they may have actually put them where they go! Next, think back to when they were last wearing them- did they maybe take them off to change clothes? If so, what room? Like another answerer said- offer a reward. I usually tell my kids fifty cents to the person that finds something- it shows up pretty quick! Good luck!

  9. Sounds like me when I first got mine. Except I was 10. When you tuck him in at night, take his glasses and put them in a safe place where neither child can reach them. 2 year olds love to hide stuff(I have a little cousin who just turned 2 last Friday).

  10. cor this sounds so familiar, my son has dyspraxia, and no short term memory, so this happens regular in our house.........try bathroom, in wash basket, under clean towels, on sink, bedrooms each and every one, wardrobes, shelves, cupboards, toy boxes, living room, behind furniture, under cushions, under sofa, on shelves, in kitchen in drawers, units, etc good luck, i have 3 pairs of glasses for my son, and one is kept in safe place, either my handbag or car, for emergency use in morning, then its not a panic before school, and i can take a slower more methodical look all day, before he comes home, then take emergency back into hiding place and his glasses are normally found

    good luck

  11. aww. that really sucks.. when my son was two he hid my keys in a riding toy car, and the seat lifted up and it was in the seat..  just look in places like that, or maybe behind the dresser or something..

  12. In the laundry basket?

    Try to remember where they last had them and retrace your steps. Offer a prize to whoever finds the missing glasses. It's amazing what turns up when there is a reward involved!!!

  13. If you look in the last place first, you will fnd them straight away.

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