
Cant lose weight?...........?

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where am I going wrong? I've added an hours step exercise monday - friday. I walk everywhere. I do about 2hours walk to and from work daily. I cut out all sweets chocs etc... I have special k or porridge for breakfast. Brown bread with cheese or ham I have a home-made dinner some time pasta or chicken. no snacks. And in two weeks I've put 5lbs on!! I weigh 10st want to lose at least 2stone. 5'2in tall (or short !he-he).very dis-hearted with this result. This just makes me want to give up? if I ate c**p I would say..ok this is why I'm putting the weight on..but I'm not? I wanna give up !!




  1. I know how hard losing weight can be! After the birth of my last child I could not lose weight for the life of me. I tried a product called Phentramin D from and I have lost 51 lbs in 6 months. Honestly it was a life saver!

  2. I went with this all natural program. Works awesome!! Pretty cheap too. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to lose weight.

  3. A simple way is to eat less, go half the day feeling hungrey everyday and it'll drop off.

  4. maybe you have plateaued. change things up a bit. don't do the same thing everyday. you could also incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet.

  5. if u wana lose ur waight just make daily roteen like when u eat no sleep sit 15 minuts watch move than do works and never sleep after eat and if u finish ur lunch etc not drink water.if u want drink water dirnk befor eat and in half after no and do ssome excersize

  6. muscle does weigh more than fat. you could have gained some muscle

  7. Did you weigh yourself in the morning or at night? The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, before you have eaten or drunk anything. Try if you can to weigh yourself at the same time each day so that you can get more accurate results. It does seem strange that you have put on weight, as your diet seems to be quite healthy, although there are alot of carbs in there! Make sure you are getting around 1200-1500 calories a day. Swap your bread+ cheese for a vegetable soup, or a salad, or lean meat like chicken with veg. Try and limit how much pasta you have, you shouldn't be eating it more than around 2 times a week, because it really is quite heavy and won't help you a great deal if you are trying to lose weight. Try having more lean meats, fish, veggies and fruit, yoghurt and healthy brown rice in your diet. An example of an excellent, low calorie/fat meal is sushi (If you are a fish-lover) If fish isn't for you, then grilled chicken with veggies is a good substitute. I'm sure if you cut down on the carbs then you will get the results you need. And try to be patient. It may take a few weeks before you start to see results.

      It could also be that your metabolism has slowed. Try and eat small portions, but regularly. Do not wait 5 or 6 hours between meals with nothing inbetween, as this will slow your metabolism and make it harder for you to burn fat. Make sure you drink up plenty of water, and if possible, do your exercise before breakfast to give your metabolism an extra boost for the whole day.

  8. maybe you are building muscle with your step class? If its only been 2 weeks you need to give it way more time anyways♥

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