
Cant stop biteing nails any ideas?

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i bite my nails constantly, i no its horrible you dont have to tell me c**p i already know, i cant sop i bite then try and stop and put my hands in my pockets and then 2minits later i am biteing them again without realising? any ideas




  1. if ur a girl then u should put this specail nail polish on it. it basicly tastes like c**p. they also have this stuff for guys thats  u cant tell that its even on. but it also tastes like c**p. you can get this at claires and other places.

  2. Put Nail Polish on them. Thats how I stopped.  

  3. hhm...haha dip them in something that makes your fingertips smell and taste bad, so right before you bite your nails, you smell it xD

  4. chew on gum instead

  5. It's real simple. . .in life, when you want something. . .it's only a matter of how bad do you want it.  One hint. . .putting your hands in your mouth has some psychological basis.  Find an activity to do when you want to put your hands in your mouth.  Many people to help quit smoking, chew gum when they want a cigarette.  It's not the gum they want, but need something to do to beat the psychological aspects of smoking. . .a different activity.  Try that.  Good luck.  I used to bite my nails too and one day I decided it was too nasty (it was embarrassing too) and quit. . .and that was the end of that.  Just keep pulling your fingers out of your mouth. . .you will eventually stop. . .and try stopping yourself before your fingers get in your mouth.  When that hand goes up. . .just say no.  Good luck.

  6. umm here a suggestion try putting alcohol or something like that on your fingers so when you try to bite your nails it will taste/smell bad. if not alcohol spray some strong perfume on the tips of your fingers. it works :)

  7. they make clear nail polish with Tabasco stuff in it so that it is spicy when you bite them, that's what i used and it worked great for me!!

  8. I have the same problem. In my case, it is related to some underlying anxiety disorder.  I discovered this by accident when taking sleeping pills for a time - most sleeping pills are based on depression or antianxiety medications.  It just isn't worth it to me to take drugs to stop chewing them.  

    However, you can make some habits to be aware of where your hands are so that you aren't subconsciously chewing on them, especially in public. Have something like a pencil or something to hold when you are watching a movie or out at a restaurant.  Just holding anything requires you to let go of it to chew your fingernails. Helps a lot particularly times when you really chew them.  To start this practice, buy some of those gloves you use to wash dishes or floors.  Wear them at home when you are not eating.  It really helps you to become aware.

    While I applaud other poster's recommendations to use various bad tasting things on your fingers, they only work for a small number of people as I suspect those totally addicted to chewing their nails do so for a reason rather than due to habit.

  9. i think u are always tensed...first of all u hav to do is that just think about what others feel when they see u biting ur nails...

    then try to be always cautious about the situations which make u bite.

    i dont think it is fair to put some bitter polishes on ur nails always..

    take a strong decision that u will always cut ur nails with a nail cutter..

    ....and realise that u can't keep ur  hands always perfect..since we r humans..and we will always have some or other forms of deformities...

    so dnt go for over caring ur fingers..u hav lots of other matters to care about......

  10. try painting your nails.....maybe a clear coat.  

  11. either polish ur nails or chew gum:)

  12. umm try smearing garlic on them..  

  13. dip them in cow s**+*. hehe

    no this is seriouse my mum and dad bought nail polish for this problem so every time u bite them it tastes like c**p, go to the cemist or something like that they have it there;)

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