
Canter a Circle?

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How do I canter a circle?




  1. I agree w/ mel below me

  2. Canter the circle is a discipline tool used to teach transitions and correct horses that fall out of the canter...

    I suggest starting with the lunge line and your horse fully tacked, and start practicing Walking 2 Trotting 2 Canter and back down.

    In the saddle, you want to use weight distribution and leg not rein.

    Here's a website with all the details from the pro's...

    Good Luck

  3. If you are going around on the counter circle, your horse should be on the right lead (right hoof leads then the left).

    Before cantering in a circle, make sure that you are balanced and grab the rein (in the direction you want to go) and use your leg aid - bump the leg that are on the opposite direction and that will move you inwards with your horse. If you use the leg closest to the middle of the circle it will move you outwards.

    Also I would suggest that you make sure that your horse is straight and not curved or bend out of shape. Also this will help your horse have a better stride and the horse will learn its lead.

    I would suggest that you should do this quite often but not for hours - max one hour.

    Also another thing you can do it canter the horse on a lounge line and a whip and work that horse out just fine.

    I hope this will help you!!

  4. Well when you first start trying to canter in a circle you should start with streching your horse. Because usually your horse isn't used to it.

    Then after the streches start with a little trot then once your ready get her into a nice little canter and slowly start to go around in a circle. Then once you know what to do you can go even smaller in a circle. But my opinion is to start with a pretty big circle because your horse probably won't know what your trying to do with him/her.

    I like this question, because I'm teaching my horse to do that too! Where pretty far, but it's good because my horse can bend pretty good.

    Well hope I helped and be careful!


    RIP Barbaro
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