
Capital punishment for foreigners?

by  |  earlier

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Can a US citizen, who is homosexual, be executed in accordance with a foreign country's law (such as Iran or Saudi Arabias policy on homosexuals)? If so, do the have any recourse?




  1. "My house, my rules"

    Most countries will jump at the idea of executing an American for ANY reason. Most Countries hate America =\

    Yes, they can be executed.

    Recourse, I don't know.

  2. When in Rome, do as the Romans do! Think before you travel to these types of areas. Their religion is the rule, not whether you are a citizen of the U.S or not. Don't tell or do what will get you in trouble and you can survive your trip.

  3. It does not matter who you are as laws are written to protect society in accordance to human nature and intentions of an individuals evil intentions.The human  is a being that has been given individuality in thought as is able to abuse them selves and create diseases  and death within the community and the world even the greatest of minds creates death and destruction without knowing they are harming themselves and there future .The s*x industry promotes sexual acts on how to catch AIDS  destroying both men and women and the world.They knew 2000 years ago that in the old text that homosexuality and food organism's could destroy the body .which in fact that the bibles scolls and texts hold the truth in how to keep a healthy body , mind and home in the tribes of the east which spread the meesage to the world.

  4. there is no recourse for death

  5. Yes, with no recourse.  You need to follow the rules of the country that you are in.

  6. best plan.dont go

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