
Capoeira? ?

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Can someone please tell me about Capoeira? I have researched, but was wondering if there were any Capoeristas out there (not that that limits who can answer hehe). I've read about the history already, but could you tell me about:

- physical benefits

- self-defense benefits

- specific parts of the body it works out

I'm a 13 year old girl: would this be the right martial art for me?

Plus, I know that a lot of people have a strong opinion on how it is not really a martial art and more of a dance: that is NOT my question.




  1. Capoeira is an art form, a way of life, a story of survival from slavery, rich in history, friendship, fight, dance, culture, music & mandinga (magic).  Capoeira is a dynamic Brazilian Martial Art that originates from the Afro-Brazilian Slaves.  The game is played to the rhythms of live music and songs.

    The rhythm dictates the game, and the primary defence is through evasive manoeuvres.  As a result, the fluidity of the game deceives the observer by making it look more like a choreographed dance.  Every lesson, every song, every game is different, and the experience becomes all the more addictive.

    The benefits of Capoeira on your health, happiness, fitness, or fatigue come mainly through regular training, but there is an immediate boost to your daily energy levels, your fitness improves very quickly, & stress levels reduce quite rapidly.


    - Builds confidence with each lesson

    - Dedication is a critical life skill

    - Balance both mind and body

    - Increases your musicality & rhythm.


    - Improves synapses & circulation.

    - Full Body work out, including muscles that you never used before!

    - Effective & Intense Cardio Work out

    - Increased agility decreases injuries.


    - Improves concentration & alertness.

    - More circulation means more daily energy.

    - A great release from daily stress.

    - Most high achievers are active people.

  2. I am a huge fan of all martial arts BUT capoeira. I see no power coming from the moves. and if all your looking for is a workout I think you would be better off with Taebo. If you want to see just what youcan expect from capoeira take a look at this.

  3. I'm not a capoeirista, but I have a few friends who are.

    I'll agree it's not the most effective form of self defense.  It's more ART than martial - and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you understand you won't go toe to toe against a MMA practitioner.  Though you could probably kick somebody in the head if you needed to, if they have no training and didn't expect it.

    That said, it's a lot of fun, good physical conditioning, great for balance.  You can expect get a good core work-out, and upper-body (pretty much everything).

    Another nice thing about Capoeira is the guy:girl ratio tends to be more balanced than many other martial arts I've seen - so you may feel more comfortable.

    On a side note, according to my Sifu (who's done some Capoeira), many of the techniques were originally done on the streets with straight razors of knives held with the toes, so it could be deadly like that.  I don't advocate holding edged weapons with the feet, though.

  4. Without ever having actually taken it, I would say that it has a unique collection of take downs and what appear to be very power kicks.

    From a self defense perspective, I would not want to be doing a handstand when i'm being surrounded by oponents. That being said I doubt any fighter would be dumb enough to try to pull the acrobatic moves in a real fight situation. Power kicks and take downs yes, cartwheels and hand stands... probably not.

    But if you look at ninjutsu, a lot of it's movements are designed to move you around in a way your opponent would not expect. So the movements in capoeira could maybe be used in the same way.

    The skinny, I would say that this style is great for getting in shape. Great for show. Pretty good for kicking. Probably OK with takedowns and sweeps. But lacking overall as a self defense art. No offense intended, just personal observation.
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