
Car Backed Up into Me?

by  |  earlier

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I was turning onto my residential street, and there was a truck up ahead going at a moderately slow rate. I cont. my speed (faster than his) until I was driving close behind him. He slowed down and came to a stop so I did too. He was stopped for a couple of seconds and I assumed he was turning into a driveway, however, I saw his backup lights come on and I immediately laid on the horn. I knew I didn't have time to backup but I honked for what seemed like a couple of seconds. However, he still backed into me. He had missed the house he was looking for and realized he had passed it... We didn't call the cops and he admitted it was his fault, but I just got an estimate and it is going to be a lot of money to replace my whole bumper. I am feeling guilty for some reason and don't want to ask him for the money if it was at all my fault. When we were both stopped, if I was too close to his truck for him to see me or if I came up to fast behind him initially, is it my fault? thanks!




  1. it is the truck drivers fault for not making sure his path was clear. I would be a little more wary of a truck stopping in the middle of a street than I would one at a stop sign.

  2. It would be the truck drivers fault..........................

  3. it is both your fault, yours for going too fast and getting too close.

    and his for not checking behind him before reversing.both of you should share the repair cost,s

  4. dude he REVERSED into u! Its his fault call the blues, I hope u got a number plate or kno the ne of the truc company. The company willbe insured and it will come out of the company's insurance's pocket, not the truckies . Don't let ppl step on u

  5. You say you were close behind him,so he probably could`nt see you in his mirrors.You were unsure of his intentions ,so should have stayed well back,where you could see past him better in case you needed to overtake .Your reaction was to lean on your horn for several seconds,why did`nt you check your mirrors and reverse out of the way?

  6. The truck backed into you so it should not be your fault. Get license number and truck company information and tell your insurance company they will go after the offending party because they don't want to pay a claim that they don't have to. I had an accident that wasn't my fault one time and my insurance company handled all the details for me, that's what their paid to do.

  7. Trucks have huge blind spots. If you couldn't see his mirrors from your position, he couldn't see you. Of course, he did back into you, but if you feel you might have been partially to blame, you probably were. I have learned to go with my instincts. You must make this decision based on who you are. You had to be very close to him for this to have happened.

  8. I got to disagree with Matt,   you share blame in this  by purposefully getting too close behind the other guy.       You admit that you know better.

    Your mistake was making an assumption about the intent of someone else.   When driving,  you can never assume,  but must remain ready for any eventuality.     His was backing without first checking behind him.  

    You say truck,  but not what type.   A pick-up,  where there is nothing to prevent the driver from turning in the seat and looking behind him as he backed  (like one is supposed to),   or  a  delivery type truck.    

    Again,  I believe this is shared blame,   you both made a mistake.
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