
Car accident/insurance.?

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Okay, three days ago I got into a car accident, I drive an SUV and the other party drives a Toyota Camry. Save for a few scratches on the bumper, my car is fine, the other woman on the other hand says she can't open her door and the front right light and part of the bumper is damaged. I told her I would cover the damages if we could keep this from the insurance companies. She agreed, but is now saying she is in "pain". No one called the cops and she was at fault, I CAN NOT afford to have an accident on my rec as I'm only 18, what to do?

I said I'd pay as my car is fine and as a thanks for staying mum. Now shes called her insurance company and claims she got an estimate of $3,600 for the car and medical.




  1. Well, if you really, truly believe she is at fault, this accident won't affect you AT ALL.  

    Likely, though, she believes YOU are at fault, or she wouldn't be asking you for money.  And if you really believe SHE was at fault, why did you offer to cover her damages?  

    I think you're at fault.  Otherwise, she wouldn't be coming after you, and you wouldn't have offered to cover her damages.

    AND, you can't start handling a claim, and then turn it over and expect your insurance company to pay, when it starts costing more than you expect.  So, report that claim NOW, and let your insurance company handle it, and let the chips fall where they may.

  2. If the other car didn't have a stop sign they have the Right-of-Way. Then based on your description you are the majority of fault. Not sure why you would think you aren't at-fault. IF you pulled out from a stop sign and had a collision. You aren't going to be able to prove she was speeding and the blind spot caused by the truck is your responsibility. You can't just pull out from a stop sign and then blame an accident on a parked truck. Doesn't work that way. You have a duty to make sure it is clear behind that truck before you pull out from the stop sign.

    If you have insurance you need to let them handle it. Otherwise, this is going to become a huge mess. Get your insurance company to handle this that's what you pay them for. If you don't have insurance start saving your money because the other insurance company is going to come looking for reimbursement.

    Good Luck      

  3. If you know it was her fault, then perhaps you should report it to the police.  At the very least, call them, explain what happened and see what they have to say.  Do it quickly.  That woman sounds like trouble that you don't need.

    Good luck - I hope you don't need a lawyer.

  4. If she is at fault -- you would not be responsible for her damage or injuries.

    Have you notified your insurance company? Has her company contacted you?

    The best thing to do is let the insurance companies handle this. They will investigate the accident, inspect/photo both vehicles.  That way, if she decides to push the matter - your insurance company has been notified of the claim and done an investigation. That puts them in a better position to protect you should the lady get an attorney for file a law suit.

    EDIT: just saw your edit- you did not give much detail about how the accident happened - so I'm going to have to make some assumptions.

    You said you came up to a stop sign. Stopped - looked both ways- did not see the other car and pulled out. Then the cars collided.

    Was the other driver on the cross street? If so, did she have a stop sign too?  

    If the other driver was on the cross street and did not have a stop sign - you will be ruled at fault. Depending on state law- some negligence may be assigned to her but if she did not have a stop sign - most of the fault will fall on you.

    You need to turn this claim into your insurance company (if you have not already) and let them investigate it and pay or deny as appropriate.

  5. Unless the other party had a stop sign at the intersection and did not stop, you are 100% at-fault for the accident. It doesn't matter if she was speeding, it doesn't matter if she was obscured by a parade of elephants doing the cha-cha down the street, she has the right of way.

    If is starting to claim injuries then I would recommend you report this claim to your insurance company, as this claim (with injuries) can easily become beyond your ability to financially deal with it.

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